ENGLISH FOOTBALL COMES TOGETHER TO TOUGHEN MEASURES ADDRESSING FAN BEHAVIOUR AT MATCHES Club News The FA, Premier League and EFL are together introducing new measures and stronger sanctions across the game to tackle the increased anti-social and criminal behaviours recently seen within football grounds and underline the importance of a safe matchday environment. Continue reading on the official site...
It’s as if there were no rules to begin with on these matters . It’s worrying times when special initiatives are brought in for what’s already a crime being committed . Laws should be acted upon at the time they are broke not special initiatives . Tory Britain .
It’s just words. They don’t want to do anything about it or they already would be. How do kids get in with pyro? If I tried to get in with a bag of crisps or can of ale bought from elsewhere I’d have no chance. Absolutely pathetic.
Jesus didnt take long before someone blamed the torys.... All well and good blaming governments but grown men and young adults know the diffrence between right and wrong people know they shouldnt be on the pitch attacking players or launching coins at opposing supporters or even smashing up pubs....
Same here - I got stopped Wednesday night because I had my own water bottle. Maybe I should have stuck it down my underpants and invited the steward to pat me down! I reckon that’s how the morons get the smoke canisters in. Almost guaranteed to get through
The issuing of special initiatives is disgusting imo when people have been choking on fumes from these flares for months . The leagues brought in no standing and ruled stadiums should be all seater to the effect of anyone disabled or trouble with standing at length before this could buy seated accommodation with confidence and since the all seater it is a gamble which many true and die hard fans won’t risk buying especially away. These special initiatives are a red rag to a bull to some and the fact they are usually half heartedly carried out at some stadiums and rigidly enforced at others on only certain sections . Applying special initiatives is one thing enforcing them is left unilaterally at club level with inconsistent policing of them .
The blaming of the Tory’s is valid . It is they who made the cuts to policing and why we have no shows fir burglary etc unless you have over £250,000 in bank then they come straight away As for the grown men comment on that basis we don’t need police , it’s exactly why these grown men disregard the law,we need them . Grown men shouldn’t rob banks so should we cut policing because they should know better ? It’s a naive comment at best
So if you have 250k in your bank and you ring the police they come out straight away? News to me Im sick of the culture of blame everyone else yes you can blame the government for many things but people running on the pitch attavking player's and the rise in pyrotechnics and cocaine is what we are cracking down on no not for me.. maybe in 2000 when we were attacked by brum fans it was tony blairs fault werent too many cops about that day or when cardiff fans acted like dickheads in 2008 is that labours fault also?? No people have to take responsibility for their own actions sadly these is a big rise in antisocial behaviour which going away last season was evident tougher measures to clamp down on the morons are needed.
I’m not blaming the govt for these people running on the pitch I’m blaming them for cutting the police numbers which has let any sort of crime run rampant in this country , The 250,000 was a sarky comment but don’t tell me if a Tory grandee called the police to report a crime they would be treated as Bill from Kendray .
But put as many police about as you want people will run on the field unfortunately and bring pyros in and use class a drugs.. police were on the doors at the pub in Huddersfield that got smashed up. I remeber Sheffield United a few seasons back policed to the nines i went to use the bog and was one of the few having a piss.
That’s exactly what I commented on in my first post ! That it shouldn’t be a special initiative and inconsistent policing in different areas made worse by the Tory cuts which gives the police authorities a valid excuse i the present circumstances .
But for me the police numbers are abit irrelevant as like i said they arent much of a deterrent for these people at games. Dont the club pay for police in the grounds on matchdays anyway? Teams like barnsley and others struggling after covid are going to want to have the minimum amout of police bill they can. The deterent of anyone coming on the field is automatically banned should work better but we will see alcohol mixed with class A drugs and testosterone isnt a good combination.
Automatic bans are only a deterrent to those with a conscience or bothered about lifetime bans . The problem has been that these numpties have only been dealt largely by stewards with no authority other than ejection . The fact clubs can declare how many police they need or want to pay for is a big part of the problem . A significant police presence is needed as a deterrent and using their full powers to show intent . But with this presence should be a plan and effective policing and not the intimidation or treating everyone as criminals . The last effective policing of these criminals was identifying and arresting them away from the football grounds where drunk numpties try protecting them . If you think this can be resolved without a police presence by stewards putting their safety on the line and the danger of attacks away from the ground and then the club banning whoever the stewards say so and little police interaction I’d say you’re wrong . It hasn’t happened so far on those terms so why you’d think it would work now is a bit mystified tbh. Everyone is calling for more protection from crime because it looks good to the fed up public but no ones addressing the elephant in the room that Tory cuts have emboldened criminals of all shapes and sizes .
Definitely have to agree to disagree i think tougher deterants are definatly needed for anti social behaviour at football. Syp work with the club to determine how many police are sufficient i remeber a few years back on the return fixture with port vale kick off time moved about 200 vale fans and policed to the nines i think PC said it cost the club more to put the game on then it actually made. If you think the best way to go about takling this is ramp up police numbers on every ground on a saturday afternoon to deter people behaving like morons i would say youre wrong.
I have stated in all my replies that tougher deterrents are needed so don’t know how you come to conclusion that I’m disagreeing with anyone on that subject . SY police and the club working together for police hasn’t been working though has it ? I’m not going into every incident I’m looking at general along with other clubs and incidents . My main gripe is lack of Police resources in general because of Tory cuts to do effective policing anywhere but in this case at my club . The lack of police resources is an issue even if their is a will to effectively police these incidents , not just at the point of the crimes but the lack of following them to conclusions but then we have the Tory judicial cuts which is another Tory **** up which all creates this **** fest.
A few points as it the last from me on this You said a greater police as a deterrent is needed but to man up every game with police because of an increase in incidents is nor realistic or cost effective. Or even effective, the last big incident of crowd trouble at oakwell was leeds in 2017 a game with masses of police. Sy police and the club hasnt been working? I cant recall too much crowd trouble at oakwell over the past few seasons can you? Again i arent commenting on the judicial system etc etc i just commented on the idea of manning every gound in the football league up with poilce as a deterrent is unrealistic.
This is the last from me too because You’re ignoring what I’ve actually posted and placing little bullet points to favour you’re point . A police presence with a strategy , as well as away from the ground strategies on known offenders , this has been done before and worked to an extent . The costs are large to start with but enable a more cost effective way of policing / supervising in the long term , otherwise the alternative is to give in and and admit defeat which is basically what’s happening , the minority are are ignoring any authority or pleas and unruliness had been slowly creeping in and taking hold , in fact it’s mostly the majority of fans taking exception and speaking out that we are getting any sort of reaction against it . Whether you agree or not the Tory cuts have had a massive say on this and many other matters of crime and unruliness that is rife sll over the country . It wasn’t great before the cuts but it’s almost overwhelming now .