What I don't think we should be doing is have people who have spent a significant amount of money seduced into a £40 blind spin of the wheel. It's about managing outcomes. If you love the kit and took the gamble, thats the best possible outcome. You save £8 and have a shirt you like. If you absolutely hate the kit, you've wasted £40 and will start the season feeling pretty miffed. I commented as such at the time, it just feels that the simple process of buying a shirt or not has had elements of gambling introduced. I'm not a fan of that. So yes, I'd either have it at a regular full price, or you provide a voucher for season ticket holders to get £x off if they like it once the images are released and want to buy it.
i agree with you. This “loot box” approach to everything is getting out of control. But it’s the same with the season ticket itself. You pay 300-400 quid up front and if the standard of football is garbage you might not end up going like many of us last season. Or you can pay 20-28£ a game once you know we’ve signed some decent players and kept some, got a decent manager and style of play etc and you are technically penalised for going game by game.
I'd be very surprised if those few unhappy people who bought the discounted shirt but didn't like it weren't offered a satisfactory outcome by the staff in the club shop. They are usually very good at sorting out issues. The distance selling regulations would mean they'd be entitled to a refund at the very least. I guess this might not be obvious and clearly, some haven't ordered for this reason, but anything you order online without seeing can be returned within 14 days for a full refund.
You are not penalised for not buying a season ticket you are rewarded for buying one. I do agree though that the prices not just at BFC are getting out of hand .
I see what you're trying to say, but I'm not sure it applies as much. Certainly in terms of clothing, I'm not sure many high street shops have a mystery booth where you have to commit to buying a item before you've even seen it. Indeed, if such a thing were common practice I'd expect sales to plummet. I don't see why the gamble should be introduced just because it's a football club.
I'm sure you're right. But doesn't it add yet another layer of faff for a supporter in such a situation and more administration and effort for a very small team of staff at the club? It just seems a very odd thing to do. If you want to thank ST holders, give them a discount once they've seen it. It doesn't need to be revolutionary, just good old decent practical common sense.
There are numerous subscription services now where you pay x per month or x per year and get a case of unknown wine, a case of unknown beer or even a different football shirt from around the world every month. It baffles me. But there are generally two types of people who buy our football shirt. Those who religiously buy one of the three every year either for themselves or their kids/grandkids etc, and those who only buy it as a fashionable casual item if they like one of the three. I’m sure those in group 1 were happy to prepay for a shirt that they would likely have bought anyway.
I'm sure they were. Though I would suspect they'd still feel a little narked if it was something they absolutely detested. There are some sectors where creating a bit of mystery and offering a lucky dip can work well. But I've long shifted from such views, seeing them more as gimmicks and potentially causing greater issues. Either reputational, or, as mentioned to Gally, utilising valuable labour time to rectify issues that should never have appeared on the agenda. Hopefully it's just a cleaner more honest approach next year. But it will be what it will be.
You seem to be of the opinion there is some big problem here where as, in reality, there isn't at all.
It's quite impressive that we aimed for that and still managed to underdeliver really with money taken literally months before the shirt was ready and even now it is ready it's not really ready as its sponsorless and looks like a training kit
They're intrinsically linked as the sponsor is meant to be emblazoned across the shirt that people are now having delivered without it
If you’ve still got your your voucher book you can still save £5 and get half price personification. Club can’t win sometimes.
I remember going into microfun and you had the £9.99 top titles and then the £2.99 cheapos for the Commodore 64. £89.99 Jesus.
It's sponsorless because we don't have a sponsor yet (or the one we had has pulled out). If we don't get a sponsor, it won't have a sponsor on the front. How is that related to the season ticket offer? Why do fans want a sponsor on the front? I'd rather not have one there at all. In fact, I'm probably more likely to buy one because it hasn't got a sponsor on it.
Of course there is an issue. Numerous fans have commented they are uncomfortable with being put in the position of placing a blind gamble on the clubs shirt. surely you can recognise, at least with hindsight there were cleaner more transparent ways to give a modest reward for season ticket holders without putting all the risk on the customer?
Good evening, you're through to Pierluigi Bonicci's Hi, could I book a table for two at 8pm on the 16th? Certainly sir, that's all booked in for you. Could I interest you in our discount, if you order the special now, we're offering an £8 discount Erm, what's the special? We'll not know until the day, but it's always fresh and in season Go on then, 2 specials. 8:30pm in Pierluigi Bonicci's on the 16th There you go sir, two hundred weight of whelks and garden snails in a squid ink and blue cheese fondue
I think you probably will be ok. I'd take comments from others with theirs also as I have put a bit on over the last few months. Sorry I can't be more specific - but I'm sure the club would swap for a larger size if necessary.