Besiktas have just sold Yilmaz to Rangers for many euros, leaving a vacancy for a left sided player. Not drawing any conclusions.
my mate is. He comes to games with me sometimes. He was very complimentary about Styles. Commenting on his movement and positive play said he expected him to get a decent transfer when we went down.
If I was a club scout and had watched Styles and Brittain last season I’d be recommending to my employer to get a low ball offer in as they are very good players but their value has decreased after being woefully mismanaged and their confidence shot - but they still remain good players. A professional scout will see past scared and nervous play, see past a poor season when they were in a woefully inept team generally. Blackburn Rovers have already purchased one of those players, arguably the weaker of the two last season, and Styles is allegedly attracting bids from across Europe as well as England, having looked well within his comfort zone in an international squad who tore England a new one recently.
Listening to all that has been said. It seems it was an agreement between the club and him the 2 players. I'd imagine it was made in January that the club would sell them.
Equally it could also be argued that certain players attitude, maybe application, work ethic, commitment etc are attributes that far outweighs natural ability.
The club’s position with its most saleable assets should be pretty clear. 1 They leave and the club hopefully has sufficient finances to get through the season. 2 They stay and the Directors have to find a further £3-£4m to get through the season.
It is thought that Styles is the player who approached Khaled at the end of last season and said that it's time for a change. I'm fairly certain Khaled then confirmed that it was Styles in a later interview.