I like to flash on coming cars when ever I pass a camera van. I do around 70,000 miles a year these day and alway appreciate drivers warning me of bast@#ds so always warn others where I can. Today I was driving around York and pass a van monitoring drivers coming the other way. So I started flashing to warn others that the van was there. Only problem was I flashed a un marked cop car and with in a mile I had blue lights in my mirror's. Apparently its a offence to flash your lights at on coming traffic but luckily the police officer let me off with a warning after giving me a good ticking off. Will this stop me flashing in the future, he'll no **** um.
They should have 10 times as many of these vans & cameras & speed bumps but then again, you'll still have idiots tare arsin about. God forbid you have a loved one hit by a speeding driver, would you be ok with that?
Yes it is an offence to flash your lights at on coming traffic & I am not sure why you refer to them as basta-ds , they are only doing their job & trust me if you ever get burgled or attacked or have anything criminal done against you or your family then the first thing you will do is ring the police , just stick to the speed limit & the cameras will not bother you .
I got caught doing 34 in 30 on way to work 632am in the dark. I did the awareness course and it shows you how bad you ( not everyone there are some decent drivers) become when driving. Speeding can kill and i used to think it was a money making racket but it opened my eyes. I'ts really simple DON'T speed.
I got caught the same. Coming back from Sheffield Children's Hospital on the A61 where the dual carriageway 40 zone becomes a single lane 30 zone. No other traffic around, didn't brake just allowed the car to slow itself down and got done by the van. Did the speed awareness course and despite being a careful driver before became even more careful about speed. I think some people forget that they're in charge of a tonne and a half or so of metal and plastic that can do serious amounts of damage even at relatively low speeds.
Who did you for 34 in a 30? Which police force I mean? There are very few I’m aware of who prosecute under 35mph.
To be fair mate my Mrs got done at 34 in a 30 on pontefract road, (the one near corner pocket) I’ll see if she’s still got the notice,
All I can say, is.....I have seen the carnage that speeding does, it was horrendous and a memory that will unfortunately stick with me until my dying day, I was first on the scene. 10-5-87 about 14:15. I hope you speed freaks never have to deal with the aftermath
Trouble is they are just money making parasites, don’t condone tear arsing around but sticking to 30 for example is hardest thing anyone can do, every single one of us who have driven today will at least have gone 35 in a 30 so this holier than thou attitude is a bit ott but of course if you have seen loved ones injured understandable, to say stick to the speed limit and there’s no problem is harsh.
B.T.W. I'm proud to say my testament made him plead guilty. Sad but I hope he learnt from his experience.
This isn't probably going to go down well but some of the worst culprits are the older generation. The amount of times I follow someone going 40 in a 60 from Dodworth to Silkstone Common, to then remain at 40 throughout Silkstone Common is ridiculous. So many people that age seem to drive everywhere at 35-40mph.
I have a clean licence i have no issue with poice wih cameras in built up areas where pedestrians about etc. But it does wind me up seeing cans parked on duel carriageways or just after where the speed limit drops. But easy pickings i suppose and a nice bit of overtime for the officers.