You might, and everyone you know might, but I can honestly say I haven’t. Genuinely, why would I? What do you gain by arriving somewhere about 90 seconds faster? What are you going to do with those 90 seconds that is worth the increased danger to someone’s life? I just don’t get it.
Do you think they pluck these speed limits out of thin air? They are there for a reason - not for fun! Holier then thou attitude lol,try telling that to relatives of tragic accidents.
Trouble is, they can find the staff to man the camera vans, but no one is available to attend burglaries. When my 84 year old neighbour called to report someone trying to get into her house just after midnight, she was told to ring her neighbours. There's no money to be made from catching burglars.
Id say a built up area near schools etc is more dangerous. If your going so fast that you leave your lane and enter another well thats another story.
They are short in every department , thousands of police numbers have been reduced in the last 12 years & trust me speed cameras are not a cash cow , speeding motorists are the bigger problem .
Not disagreeing mate but just picking up on a fall out from the other day by someone using the term “mental”
to go o/t few years ago was 'flashed' on Park Road - got a letter 7 days later (3 points) - in the interim renewed my Car Insurance and stated I had no convictions/points. The 3 points penalty was dated the day of the offence so unknowingly I had given the Insurers inaccurate information. Some time later checked with Insurers and told that my policy was invalid.
I think the point was that most people will have exceeded speed limits unintentionally. Not that it's a reasonable excuse however we are all human. Unless driving constantly well under the speed limit the vast majority will exceed it. Now for most of us that is for a few seconds and we slow back down. Now you may have not gone as high as 35 in 30 though that is easily done if you have a lapse in concentration, going downhill for example. But if you are claiming you have never exceeded a speed limit at all then I would doubt that statement very much unless you are keeping yourself comfortably under the limit at all times.
I think when they postion a van 10 yards inside where a limit has dropped then its a little much. I don't know if/or what the "cut off" is but I'd say 1/2 milers per hour then that would be harsh. Beyond that if you are speeding and get caught I don't see what defence you can reasonably have. As for warning others the van is there I've never personally done it. Highly amusing you did it to a police car. I would rather speeders and other bad driving was punished more often it would probably make driving more pleasant. I'd make tailgating a huge fine and repeat offence a revoking of the licence for example.
I think its a shame for police cuts we could have more police on overtime at the side of the road if we hired more police... Or if all new cars were restricted to 70mph this could also help.
I’ve gone 1 or 2 over accidentally for a tiny period of time. I’ve never intentionally driven over the limit for a sustained period and then boasted about it.
My mate got fined for doing 61 in his van in a 60, tell me that's not income generation. There are some proper numpties on the road mind you, last weekend i drove up to Barnsley and there are cars sitting in the third lane (on the 4 lane section) with nothing on the inside lanes, and the number of middle lane owners club drivers is unreal.