I think you've misunderstood me mate. Maybe i wasn't clear enough. I'm in full agreement that pretty much every aspect of the club is on probation, from the first team to the 'new board' to the kiosk stand. I am a realist, but I also try to apply cautious optimism in life, because if I don't I sink to the depths. So I am optimistic, but I have my eyes wide open, believe me. My main point with the 'don't jump the gun comment' wasn't aimed at you personally; it is a general observation that when the chips are down it is best to take things one step at a time. I saw many comments such as 'we'll not have more than 5000 next season, and we'll be in the National League within two years, and Conway will rinse us for everything we've got, and we won't have a club.' That is some jump! It's more than a triple jump. We had a fantastic season under Ismael, one of the best, and we followed it up with our worst in living memory. But you have to take things a step at a time. I know some people shoot from the hip, and things are said in jest, or anger, or kneejerk frustration, and I totally get that. But for me jumping the gun and thinking, not only will we go down (which we have), but we'll have a double - or even triple - relegation on our hands, ALL the money will be stolen (I accept the 750k is still a mystery, to me anyway, and that isn't acceptable) and we'll go out of business, I just can't think like that. I am delighted Conman and Lee aren't on the board any more but I am p1ssed off at how things have transpired last season however, the way fans in the West Stand were treated with contempt and shoddy communications, forced to move out of their seats etc - if my grandad was still alive and they had forced that on him, I'd be fuming. So i feel only sadness and empathy for those fans who feel they have been let down by the club and can't return. I live in hope that bridges can be rebuilt, and I take at face value the people we now have running the show - they have a lot to prove.
Good point! They also have a huge pull from Cornwall: 'On a typical match day, about a fifth of the Home Park crowd, around 3,000 people, will have come up from Cornwall by car, bus or train to support the Greens' Plymouth Argyle and Cornwall – Cornwall Sports Media.
Always thought Plymouth had massive potential as there's next to no competition around them. I'd fully expect them to shift more season tickets than us considering they had a decent season last time around while we had probably the worst season in our 135 year history.
I am not surprised , Plymouth is a big city & the nearest league club is 40 miles away so there is no competition from any other clubs & to be honest I actually think they underachieve with the size of their fan base .
Yeah think thats the biggest amount they have sold for many seasons but there was a point i was going to make but never got chance i will put on a seprate thread.