I'm glad they got screwed. I'm sick of the rich and famous getting everything handed to them simply because of who they are. Tom Holland could pay for a box at Donny races every week for the rest of his life and wouldn't even notice that a penny had left his bank account but because he's a famous Donny are happy to let him in for nowt. Essentially paid for by everyone else who buys a ticket.
Pop Bitch has some belters, as does Crazy Days And Nights. Thanks to Deuxmoi gossip site #PrinceOfPegging and #princewilliamaffair have been trending all day The things our press wouldn't dare do a story on about an heir to the throne.
I only know 2 famous Hollands, Arthur the referee and the muscleman that bounced his pectorals to music.
Wasn’t there a Holland play for West Ham early 80’s Anyway hope this story gathers pace. A great distraction from hearing of the other two dildos try to be Tory leader.
Don;t forget the former Norwegian international Alfie who played for Forest, Citeh and Leeds... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfie_Haaland
Din't Mr Holland once play for Netherlands Fc, or was it the other way round lol. Ohh and they all played in Oranjebloom coloured shirts too.
There was Matt Holland, the Eire International, who started his career at West Ham before playing most if his career at Ipswich and Charlton. He was later though.
This William affair was common knowledge before the birth of their second child. So don't know if it is a different person now. I don't know what Pegging is and please don't inform the BBS, there are women and children read this.
Am I the only one who doesn't give a toss what prince William gets up to in the bedroom or what kind of marriage him and his wife do or don't have? A personal life is called personal for a reason