''It wasn’t good yesterday but to single out Cadden and Norwood'' They are the players with Cundy that I thought was bad. I haven't watched it back. I have what I saw and nothing more. You mention me with Cadden as an example. I wasn't the only one. The first thing I heard when I walked out of home park. That Cadden, *****. Send him back to Forest Green shouted. YOU mention crossing with him. First chance he was given. One-on-one with the Plymouth number 8. Didn't want to go at him because I don't think he can. He tried a cross and hit the guys shin. Second one. 3 yards high were cleared by the centre-back. So far out of position off the ball. Strangely what I had seen on the screen in highlights but in real life. Amazing. I'm not sure what people are talking about. Dane Scarlett only just signed for Portsmouth. I'm not sure what I can say about him. But if you watched any of that yesterday. In the Stadium, on Ifollow or the moon and don't think he could have been better than that, Drugs use around footballs worse than been reported. It must be. Duff making real chances and not being scared. Jose M makes big calls and drags people after 20 minutes. Duff waited and waited for some reason and the longer it went the worse it got. People talking about Benson and Styles. I thought they weren't at 100% yesterday but from the bits I remember when on top. They gave us quality and helped switch the ball from one side to the other. I say all that. and Tactically was the biggest worry for me. It isn't it. Not going to be either. ---------------- Someone I should have mentioned. Williams. he was poor. The Plymouth lwb onloan from Norwich was far too good for him.
People telling me Norwood did well. I noticed this a few times but pressing isn't running at the ball straight on. Never will be. Never can be. It's easy to spot and easier to get out of. That gives them the advantage when they break that. Just watching the highlights for the first time. BASICS FECKING BASICS NORWOOD.
a few times but pressing isn't running at the ball straight on. Never will be. Never can be. It's easy to spot and easier to get out of. That gives them the advantage when they break that. Just watching the highlights for the first time. BASICS FECKING BASICS NORWOOD. Your incessant stressing of your alleged knowledge of the game and players really does highlight your lack of knowledge .
We are set up so well in that picture. for one person to spoil it and fail to do a basic. Cut off the pass and its a ball you should be getting back in 2 seconds. 10 seconds later they should have scored.
You're right Hemmsy. It's shocking* *Just agree with him, it's easier. He can't help suffering from the Dunning-Krueger effect...
who the flipping hell are you? It wasn't a lie. It happened not that you would know as you don't watch Barnsley do you? I remember it because it made me smile. I didn't smile much yesterday but that did.
This thread is causing the drivel detection centre in my brain to hurt like mad. What on earth is going on? I can't take much more of it.
Oh, it's not drivel! Even some of Hemmsy's imaginary friends agree with him. One of them even shouted how crap Cadden was on the way out...
He must have been really crap then, if 2 people in the crowd thought so and one of them even shouted it. He must have been terrible
I hate Hemsworth. Hate him. Spoiled this forum for me. Haven't posted in a few weeks (some might say thank the lord), and won't be posting much whilst he's here. I've read it this last week because I love reading other fans opinions (mostly), but I can't resist replying to this. Hemsworth. You are a complete idiot. Why you were allowed back on here is a mystery to me. You're a disgrace. You're wrong. You're wrong about everything. Literally everything you have posted is factually incorrect. Even the things you think are smart regarding body position is wrong. You're a complete ******. Anyway, that felt good. Back to my exile.
We're set up well in this picture. All our players have their eyes firmly fixed to the ball. But the Merseyside youngster lets his attention stray and 10 seconds later the The Pilgrims are on the attack. BASICS FECKING BASICS CONNELL