Goldthorpe is the worst place in the county....... I would have thought there were worse places across Yorkshire.
What's better? To leave stuff like your wallet, mobile phone, games consoles, games and tablets downstairs over night. Strange thinking, I know. However, I dread the thought of them coming upstairs and terrifying Laura or George or worse. Are weapons at the side of the bed a good idea? Reason I ask is from personal experience of the Police they'd probably arrive after someone had been murdered. Has anybody here been burgled?
Some years ago we were burgled and had both our cars nicked , they were after my wife’s new Golf that was on lease from work but took mine as well . Left car keys on the side in the kitchen , house alarm worked but very professional job watched them driving down the road from the bedroom window . The advice from the Police was to take your car keys to bed with you at night which I suggested was stupid as I’d rather them not disturb us in bed asking nicely for our car keys . My car was recovered by a bloke who worked in the garage I have it serviced at , there’s a longer story of complete incompetence or corruption by WYP in dealing with the incident
In 27 years in same house I've only ever had clothes nicked off line. I could leave door open and would sleep safe. Own no electricals apart from an old TV, never been into teccy and don't watch TV much. Cars not worth nicking. Nice house like but all stuff is old, furniture etc as I buy cheap and enjoy restoring things, tables, chairs, etc. Nowt to nick really and never really have cash in house. Some of folk I know have recently been broke into (Darton Doddeth) and had cars taken. Still I've a baseball bat concealed nicely in case I fancy a game int early hours.
About 20 years ago a workmate was burgled with them going for his Subaru. I can't remember all the details, but he was barricaded into his en suite on the phone to the police while the burglars were trying to break the door down for the keys that were in his pocket... They didn't take anything that time, but a few weeks later he was done again for his tv, dvd player and other electronics.
Few years ago round here, can't remember their name, posted holiday pics of all family abroad. They got back and house was totally empty. Turned out the brother (long family feud) his mates had hired a removal van and took the lot. He'd managed to get a spare key from his mam's and cleared the lot! Never knew the outcome but they moved shortly after.
Thankfully we've nowt worth nicking. Just an Ipad, two mobile phones and a ten year old Panasonic hifi system. Both televisions are flat screens but would be classed as ancient now (worthless). The Viera upstairs weighs as much as me. Good luck nicking that.
Best thing is get good window and door locks and use them. Second best thing is not having a fancy car. Reason there’s so many burglaries around Hyde Park/Headingley is easy access. They’re opportunistic burglaries rather than forced entry. Edit: oh, and if you are burgled don’t replace all your stuff immediately. A lot of people who are burgled once are done again very soon afterwards as they know you’ve just replaced everything new with insurance payouts (and they now know the layout of your house).
80 year old mother in law keeps getting burgled… she’s got a nice house like, but all her jewellery was nicked ages ago and she didn’t replace…. Just hope they don’t catch her in at any point.
Always thought it was South Huddersfield, Honley Holmfirth areas and that way on.. All dregs of Huddersfield heading for the leafy South Pennine burbs thinking they've all got sumert.. That used to be one of Yorkshires burglary hotspots
I used to do the burglary analysis for WYP at force level... the area I said was miles above anywhere else in the county. Student land, so lots of sneak ins, poorly secured premises... laptops available etc etc
On my estate there are a few Police, we had a night where all the VWs on the estate got robbed, including one of the said Police, stuff was taken like Sat Navs / Baby buggies, etc. I kid you not, they had the culprits nicked on the same day. Amazing what they can do when motivated!!
Not been burgled, but had three different vans broken into down the years! Two of them were broken into twice, so that's 5 break ins. On one occasion, after a second break in on one particular vehicle, i put some snap on the passenger seat and left it locked - it was gone the next morning lol.
Yes, Chestnut Avenue in Hyde Park. Mainly as you had 6 students in every house, all with laptops, etc and most houses still have sash windows. I still only live 15 mins walk from there, but on the leafier side of Headingley Lane now.