Fish Fight was a really good campaign and hats off to him for pushing so. It is worth saying that our representative on the committee responsible for fishing was a certain Mr N Farage. I can't recall exact figures off the top of my head, but I believe in all his time as an MEP, he attended something like only 2 meetings... though he did tend to check in every day to get his full permissable allowance, as seemed common practice among his brethren. You can't bemoan the EU for this brexit deal. We pushed for this. We insisted on the red lines. We told our public untruths. This is the result. Food rotting in the ground. Businesses relocating to the EU to remove trade barriers. £450m wasted on inland customs facilities that we've now said we won't use, just to spite our faces. Queues at borders for goods and people. Apparently, this is what we voted for. So stop blaming the EU. Blame the tories and the people who voted for it.
No offence taken' to be honest i don't know because the Eu are trying to make everything as awkward as they can for us and you do wonder if its been worth the bother' but i also truly belive that it could be a great opportunity for us long term' we not seeing it so much as yet because contrary to what the tories keep spouting Boris as got next to nothing done' as for the fishermen the tv programme was based on scottish fishermen and the snp are hellbent on rejoining the Eu which would be as you were...
I seem to recall that the UK was on the end of some pretty stern words from the EU for failing to manage the UK fishing industry after discards were witnessed well after the ban was introduced.
What, you mean by applying 3rd country rules (which we were party to introducing) to a 3rd country? When you quit your club membership, you don't get membership benefits.
Celtic fans hate the English, but so do half of Scotland but celtic really despise the English and the wearing of the poppy to show support for our soldiers just sends them into meltdown any English man who has no connection to that club and supports them need to have a serious reality check.
Imagine if we all pulled in the same direction so much more would be done, but the country's so fractured itĺl never be the same, I can only see negativity for the foreseeable future.
And what do think to what wasn’t mentioned in the documentary, that the reason French and Spanish vessels could fish our waters was because UK skippers sold them their quotas?
I wouldn't know its the first i've heard of it' the programme was aired way before brexit.Unfortunately the thread has become another leave/remain arguement which was never my intention' everyone had a democratic right to vote whichever way they thought fit' my reply to the op was just to say that not everyone that voted leave did so for racial reasons and not everyone that voted leave also voted tory.
Agree with the numpties signing the agreement as it is but turning it on its head surely most of the probles are due to the bureaucratic red tape and protectionist policies of the EU that are the reasons so many voted leave and why in principle removing those problems could have been advantageous. We are not all racist, stupid little Englanders who voted leave as quite a few on here keep telling us we are. The problem is the incompetence of Govt, and the intransigence of both sides when negotiating the withdrawal terms. Getting it done at all costs is down to BJ.