I think Pompey have gone soft on him because he's so well known. I reckon another fan did it the ban would be longer or permanent. Think he's got history going back years of behaving poorly.
I disagree. This sort of behaviour happens up and down the country every weekend, and nothing is/or can be done because its difficult to identify the culprits. John Westwood is obviously instantly recognisable, so he's been punished for his actions, where most would have escaped punishment. And does he have a reputation for poor behaviour? Its a genuine question, because I don't recall ever reading anything overly negative about him. As I said before, he's instantly recognisable so I guess when he does something, it's highlighted because of who he is.
What a load of ******!!!! If we’re giving out bans for light hearted banter we may aswell stop going.......Jesus Christ!!! I’ve had pleasure of meeting John, he’s certainly quirky but he’s a lifelong avid fan, just ledge bloke to his own devices, he’s not hurting anyone!! Worlds gone ******* mad
Have those defending him read the comments by Pompey fans below the article? He ain't exactly Mr Popular it seems...
I suppose he's like Marmite - you either like him or hate him! Quite an intelligent bloke away from the footy. Once heard that he was banned from Fratton Park in the early 80's for invading the pitch. Then i think he got caught trying to access the ground dressed as a woman .. he then wrote to the club appealing the ban with, i believe, the local paper. Personally, i don't mind him. He's quite a character.
If it's for that instance in that video shown, I do feel a bit sorry for him. He was just shaking his arze it seems. Look at the pre-match to the women's euros finals. Both women & men dancing in less clothes whilst whoever it was was singing. Generally, not my cup of tea. But I have seen plenty of comments & stuff said about him and paedophile, amongst other horrible words, are always thrown on him - so I actually believe him about doing it after being called a paedophile. P.s, don't know if it was just that or not, so in isolation, if it was just that, I do feel a bit for him.
Many of my Pompey supporting friends and family all say he ain't got a bad bone in his body, a very fanatical fan who probably bleeds blue, they just say he needs a good wash and needs to start using more deodrant
Just wants his team to do well. He plays on the image he’s self cultivated and enjoys being tge ringleader of his group of hangers on, it’s like the pied piper. he’s a very clever man and well spoken too. he’s also a smelly scruffy twát who needs a wash.
I'd ban anyone from taking any (loosely) musical instruments into grounds. Be it a bell, trumpet or drum etc. Hate the damn things, creating mind numbing, constant noise, aaaaaaaaargh. He's a bit of a bell end if you ask me.
Strangely enough; wasn't it against Portsmouth when Kipper decided to strip the slates from the roof of the refreshments area?
He was at it all the time, used to run Coppers ragged, pain in the Ar se but harmless, always used to ger him fish n' chips from Mermaids