Nail hit firmly on the head. Queue up at the ticket office and save £13. It's a no brainer. Better still go to the ticket office first thing on your arrival at Barnsley. If you like a drink walk back into town.
Might be wise for the club to invest in signage around the turnstiles that make it clear that's the procedure because unless you've looked at the small print online and followed the * notes at the bottom of the ad you wouldn't know that's the case
It did say it on the signs over the turnstiles. It said something along the lines of Adults £22 Concessions £18 U19 and u14 tickets only available from Box Office
I did my good deed for the day. Bloke came to me just before kick off with 2 upset kids. He wanted to know where the nearest cash point was as he'd not enough cash to pay his kids and him in. So to save him having to take his young UN's all way back to town and back I gave him the cash and he transferred the money to me. If I end up in hell I'll rooar! It is a sign of the times though as a slight aside. Previous to lockdown and selling 7 issues of the fanzine I never got asked once if they could pay on card?!? On Saturday I alone got asked a dozen or so times and other sellers said they'd been asked as well.