Thought I'd set up a poll to try to gauge how people feel about the sponsor. I've made it multiple choice to try to see if people are opposed to Hex in particular, if it's all crypto, or just the people involved that are causing concern.
I'm not sure you've captured the depth of feeling, it's much more than dislike. This entity, thing, mob, bunch... runs contrary to who I am as a person. In the end, I ticked 5 out of 6, but it still missed the essence of my stance.
I was a bit wary at first but am now actively opposed due to all of their twitter shills/bots falling over themselves to say its not a scam and they've had great returns and to do your own research etc. They can get ******
I'm trying to understand at a high level what would be acceptable to most supporters. If we brought in a different company or exchange would people be similarly opposed? I think everybody is in agreement that Kuqi needs to be no part of this, but it doesn't look like the deal could be salvaged even if he went.
I'm not too sure why the club would even consider talking to a crypto currency nevermind them being a sponsor. Think somebody has been a bit naive to be fair
It's a bin fire, worse reputational damage ever and its self inflicted, the club rightly holds the fans to high standards as representing the club and then they do this?
Interesting article in the grauniad about crypto being basically gambling (something I'm totally against) which mentions Hex in passing. Bad decision by the club. Oh and the logo is way too big on the shirt.
A far-right ****** (insert favourite insult here) who posts absolute ***** all over Twitter who is one of the three people who clubbed together to sponsor us.
I did think about keeping it single choice but I didn't think it'd reflect opinion. I expected most people to have concerns about individual investors not the product itself, perhaps indicating that if these individuals were distanced from the club the deal might continue. I think strength of feeling is that the deal needs to be scrapped entirely.
Summat to do with The Adams Family I think They're creepy and they're kuqi Mysterious and spooky They're all together ooky The Addams family