As of Monday morning. Pretty much an entire week to go. What would constitute not appalling in your opinion? For what it’s worth I reckon we’ll take at least 1500, which for what’s happened here in recent times is solid if unspectacular.
R many we bin allocated, i'm not goin, picking granbairns up fri neight so i'll be playing sand castles, crab fishing and scary rides, an maybe a paddle or two for a week, but for the ones making the trip i hope ya all av a great time.C,O,Y,R,
The initial allocation was around 2200 I think. Everyone who wants one will get one I’m sure but we’ll shift a few more before Friday I’m sure. Enjoy your week with the grandkids!
I don't know why but I'm not feeling it Saturday. I'm gonna Boro tmoz, just picking and choosing this season.