I imagine they will be advised to do so while any legals are untangled (assuming we are trying to get out of it)
I long stopped assuming things which you think are an absolute given. Incredibly, they don’t always pan out.
Is this one of those opinion polls where you submit your opinion and then have another opinion formed of you if your opinion isn't the same as others opinions.!!!! Most threads on here are like this. Let's check out who doesn't agree with us and have a rant. Opinions opinions....as long as they are what we want read.
Can’t imagine they’ve got out of the Hex deal so quickly if that is indeed what they’re trying to do. No cheesy Hex reference so far though on twitter which I take as a plus.
Nope, you can have whatever opinion you want and expect to be challenged on it. You're clearly happy for us to be associated with a scam. Your choice.
I might not be expert on many things but investment scams are something i know more than most about. Please, if you are in doubt of the validity of this scheme understand that this is nothing more than a ponzi scheme. The fact that Barnsley FC are promoting a scheme which will result in a handful making money and a large amount losing everything they invest is truly shameful. Given that there are a large number of posters on here who have no concerns, I’m not sure that the BBS is a great place to be at the moment. The club may be skint but please do not let that take away any semblance of morals.
Just seen that. Wasn’t even aware I’d voted on this but have changed it to the people behind the deal. You could always just say my name though mate. Hardly in hiding. Edit - on the multiple casual references. Just tag me and ask outright, because it’s at complete odds with almost every post on the subject thus far as well as my actions.
I’m amazed he’s put his name to it rather than defending them but then saying ‘this doesn’t mean I’m defending them, it’s your fault if you interpret it that way’. Maybe he thought it was a private poll? Ahh I see he’s effectively done that above anyway…
I was/am of the opinion that at first you weren't opposed but have gradually changed your view as the behaviour of the Hex community has become apparent, along with the personalities involved in the deal, and the finer detail of how Hex works has come to light. Just assumed you'd voted early on. Wouldn't judge anyone who wasn't opposed at first, but would question why anyone who has read even a small amount of the detail since would stand by that view.
I’m literally here. You could just ask outright rather than the snideness of the above. Must have clicked it when viewing from my phone yesterday afternoon on the train. I was only up to about post #3 on this thread and wasn’t watching it, so no idea I’d voted or aware of all the chat about me, without actually just calling it out with a tag and a direct question. There isn’t a single post of mine that lines up with that vote. I think some of the posts in this thread are a bit uncalled for if I’m honest.
Probably not far off if you go right back to the weekend, and I would be honest enough to say there’s a difference being opposed to something vs. being comfortable with something. I think there’s a difficult fine line between opposing this sponsorship vs. others in sports, but that’s not a BBS discussion. However this thread started yesterday lunchtime and my opinion has been set in stone since Sunday night.
Voting requires 2 very specific button presses in order, one on the option and then one to submit. The odds on managing that purely accidentally must be astronomical.
There's a difference between challenging someone's opinion and making a personal attack. When we're all criticising the Hex community for being toxic it is disappointing to see some of the comments here.
Believe me or not. But at least ask me outright is all I’m saying. Plus the fact that doesn’t line up with any post I’ve made on the matter, the actions I’ve personally taken, and the fact I’ve not been supportive once. I’m telling you my actual opinion. But let’s dwell on a button click like it’s a huge deal? This isn’t a good luck for the BBS if I’m honest.
I don't post much on here anymore- still read from time to time to catch up on how people are feeling about the team I love. The last time I posted it was about cryptocurrencies I think, and that thread and how narrow minded and vitriolic a lot of the conversation can be here put me off a fair bit. I am heavily involved daily in web3 and crypto, and my own take on this is that from what I've read, I think that (the obscure even in crypto) Hex project looks like a Ponzi scam and I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. So by extension, I'm disappointed that the club has taken that sponsorship and I support any protests about that. Linking it in with all cryptocurrencies though is as ridiculous as saying that clubs shouldn't be sponsored by anything that works with fiat money because there are scammers and fraudsters in that space. The premier League for instance is sponsored by tezos which can be seen on Match of the Day- a low energy consuming Blockchain which mainly supports art collectors. Would we be having this same outcry if it was a dodgy betting company? Probably not, I'd wager, although I'd hope so.
To be fair there's a good chance that Khaled voted using Loko's phone while he slept. Oh come on Loko, it's better than accusing you of supporting hex