Something else . I’ve had people, I presume off this board leaving not so nice reviews on my buisness not really sure how you do it . I’m presumed like this ?
If I thought you'd see the funny side I would literally change your name to 'Something else' just for a laugh.
Whatever you change it to is going to be alongside every post you make. It won't be a secret. I'm literally asking you what you want your new BBS name to be so I can change it for you.
I think we should all be allocated a different BBS member’s name randomly once a year and the game is to try and assume their online personality without being discovered.
If you changed your name all the old posts that you're quoted in would have had your old username so everyone would have known it was you.
You can't just open another account. As someone as pointed out, every 'Mick Woohouse' post would be changed to 'Something Else' immediately, so this isn't something you can do under the radar, which is why I'm asking you to give me your new BBS name request. Either on here or privately, entirely up to you.