I know I keep banging on about this and others may need disciplining for their parts in this debacle but it can't not be the responsibility of the CEO ultimately. The CEO is the Accountable Officer. He/she is responsible for ensuring adequate systems and processes of oversight, control, risk and assurance. (In extremis if this deal was foisted on the CEO by one/more of the owners his position is probably equally untenable for different reasons).
I wonder if you get a 14 day cooling off period with sponsorship deals like you do with other Purchases? Perhaps one of the legal experts on here would know.
How do we know that him going wouldn't speed a few deals along? Seriously, given our financial constraints I can't think there's much room for manoeuvre in what we're offering financially in negotiations and, as Norwood said when he signed, it's the manager that was the main determining factor in him choosing us.
None of us have sight or knowledge of the wording in our contracts. Given it's taken 4 days to rip up the agreement and we'll undoubtedly have had legal opinion, I'd say there was a clear clause breach that was easy to unilaterally enact. Obviously we don't know what the reaction will be from the other party, and it may not be the end of it, but I'd guess the club feel they are on strong ground having taken the actions they have done.
I think exactly the same Ponty kid, as its been one unprofessional mistake after another with this CEO. But I can understand the arguments against it happening as well, especially as we've got a vital 3 weeks coming up in the transfer window and that as daft as it sounds, could shape the season ahead. Some important decisions have got to be made though.
Well it is because we seem to go from one **** show to another and nothing changes. Problem at BFC is there is no accountability.
Really not easy to admit you’ve made a mistake and rectify it. Let’s hope there are serious lessons learned regarding diligence with future deals/ partnerships. Well done BFC.
An end to the 'Hexicans' jumping all over club tweets too all being well. They can be summed up in this little exchange here. Having a pop at a Forest fan for Barnsley's short sightedness.
If it did we would expand the sponsorship. After all we had 10 Million new Hex supporters to listen to ;-)