With the cost of living crisis, energy bills through the roof, inflation hitting double digits. Who's getting a payrise to match?
I've been quite fortunate. Last Christmas, my employer felt my role was underpaid, and gave me a 3% pay rise. Then in April, they gave all roles a 5% pay rise. I also received a bonus for our location being under budget in terms of expenditure for the last 12 months in May too.
Pensioners feeble rise of 3.1%. Just watch the Govt fiddle the CPI increase in September which will be the rate applied next April.
As an employer in a small business we gave our staff a one-off payment of 4% and a salary increase of 2%.in April when inflation was headlining at 4.5 but quickly became 6% within the same month. This was to protect the business as we felt we couldn`t spend/commit money we hadn`t already earned. If you work within private industry or in fact the public sector an expectation for your employer to match inflation whatever the figure is likely to be unrealistic - our company`s top line hasn`t increased this year (and in all probability the bottom line will go down because of increased costs). BTW - my income has not gone up at all.
Public sector worker. Next to nothing though there is rumour of a flat £2k increase regardless of your salary. Depends on the unions I guess
I got 1.75% in April (following 1% the previous year and 0% the previous 5 years). My husband just got 10% though (private sector) which came hot on the heels of two other significant pay rises. If one was going to increase by X% then it’s better financially that it’s his, although it’d do more for my sense of self worth if it was mine.
As an employer my employees' hourly rate is set at just above the 'real living wage'. Very much dreading their next adjustment, due next month...
Had nowt higher than 1% for past 8/9 years. Some years got nowt. Expecting same this year. Meanwhile I've seen the CEO's salary go from 140k to 190k, plus bonuses. Sounds about reyt.
Now I know what pay rises you're due to get I will raise my prices by 10 percent. Framing ain't cheap any more, suckers.