Why the 'lycra-clad' nonsense? What doe the fabric they are wearing have to do with it? No one goes off on a rant about ******* denim wearing Toyota Rav4 drivers.
Speaking of Lycra Biff from Saxon said denim and leather brought us all together, but he was wearing Lycra so I don’t know where that leaves us
To be fair double denim gets a bad rep*. If some double-denim-wearing cyclist idiot flew past you and rodded you, you'd probably react to the first person who would listen and say, 'did you see that double-denim-clad cyclist idiot just then, he just rodded me the double-denim-clad cyclist tw4t? *See also: brown loafers without socks; any smart shoes without socks; spandex.
While I don't see registration plates as an answer, I do think steps need to be taken to stop cyclists from being "untraceable", which I can imagine makes some feel like they are unaccountable for their actions on the road(a very small minority, I may add). As an example, about a month a go, I was parked at the lights on the junction on Huddersfield Road/top of Old Mill Lane waiting to turn left(I was at the front of the queue of traffic. Then a cyclist(no lycra!!!), slowly filters past everyone riding very slowly(they are approaching a red light after all). The issue was, as he was going slowly, he was really wobbling and unstable, and when he got along side me he fell into my car(he made a right bang too, I **** myself!). He immediately peddled unto the curb and dashed off, leaving me sat at the lights. When I got home, he had made a huge scratch down the side of the side of the passenger side door, and had made a dent. Now, luckily, I've got a mate who sorted it own dirt cheap for me, but it made me realize that I had no way of identifying him to recoup my outlay(and it would have been a good few hundred quid if I hadn't got it done on the cheap). Like I say though, number plates on cycles wouldn't work, so what is the answer. PS, this was a little bit of a rant...
Unfortunately there really isn't one. People do things (deliberate or accidental) and then do a runner. Wouldn't have been any different if it was a drunk pedestrian or even a car with the rear plate obscured. I think in your example, most would have been very apologetic and offered to pay for the damage, I certainly would.
So you suddenly stepped off course directly into the path of a cyclist? How quickly would you react to someone stepping out in front of you? Having done that then shouted at the cyclist you’re surprised you got that reaction?
Any cyclist I've encountered had always ring their bell on narrow paths. Given that were supposedly championing exercise and the environment I can't see how these measures will.help.
We can only know you through what you type, though. You could be sat there with a massive grin and chuckling happily to yourself whilst having a relaxing massage and be as happy as Larry for all we know, but from what we can read you come across as perpetually angry. That's on you, you're the one who types the words next to your name that forms people's impressions of you. My thoughts on the OP? You said you stepped suddenly in front of a fast-approaching cyclist to avoid something, without checking behind you first. Of course the cyclist was angry at you, the dog poo wasn't going to move, you could have checked and then avoided it once they had gone past, it's not like it was an emergency where you had to react immediately. The fact that you then shouted at HIM after shitting him up and nearly causing an accident was probably what prompted the hand gesture.
Part b. Of your post. Ridiculous. I literally moved about6 inches with my left foot. It was wide (20 metres) or so next to the river in a pedestrianised zone. There were lots of people also on foot. The cyclist had ample room to leave plenty of space and was also travelling at a very high speed with total disregard for others. It is strange how you leap to his defence without having seen what happened. Drivers are required to leave plenty of space when overtaking cyclists and yet here, you are blaming me when he was riding recklessly. I was with two colleagues who also were also less than impressed with the cyclists behaviour as were one or two bystanders. Utterly bizarre response deflecting blame entirely onto me.
See my response to JD. I barely stepped off course approx inches on a very wide promenade. Yet drivers are supposed to give cyclists a wide berth and you are saying it is ok for a cyclist in a pedestrianised area to silently cycle past pedestrians at high speed with less than two feet clearance. PS like driving a car cycling is about anticipating others actions and not about fast reaction times. If you do the first you don't need the latter.
Actually, the lycra reference was simply to emphasise, rightly or wrongly, that this guy was a serious sporty type cyclist not some guy quietly pedalling to work.
I think this is an example of what @JamDrop means when she describes how you come across, from reading your words. You seem to be extremely angry, confrontational and aggressive, and not only in the depths of a thread when most of your fuses have blown, but almost from the very start, in your opening threads. It can't be good for you, for your own sake I wish you could just chill out and discuss topics without losing your rag. You'll probably say you're fine and not losing your rag at all, but I'm just describing how I and no doubt many others interpret your posts and their tone.