Of course you did. It must be incorrect, its a personal bias that nobody else sees, after all, you are never wrong. We have already found that out. Hence "the stalker" who you are unhappy with each and every time they point out an error or hole in the argument.
I'm telling you your bias, your assumption is wrong. When I'm wrong, I'll accept it. No problem on that front. I'm not unhappy with the person you suggest for pointing out errors, another wrong assumption on your part. Because that's just not the case. If you tolerate the consistent behaviours of said individual, all of which has been outlined for you and which many others have also taken exception to... well that's your choice. And if you want to discuss it in more detail, feel free to PM me.
The Bristol match. I was surprised to see the 'round the pitch' continuous advertising screens. One of the ads was big on colour and movement and it did drag my eyes away from the match. Trying not to be negative, here. It seems to be well accepted. At an international match, a while back, Australia v China, these screens were put around the sidelines and I was seated five rows back. I couldn't see the sideline and about two metres of the pitch. I was indignant but laziness and hopelesness kicked in.. (now there is a question... how do you spell hoplessness, hopelesness hoplesness)
I think there's a lot to be said about centralising the production of these things. Every club wants the website to do the same thing, list news articles, sell tickets, sell merchandise, post fixture and squad news etc.. Paying for that functionality to be developed once, rather than 72 or 92 entities paying for their own version of the same thing to be developed seperately has it's obvious benefits. But you have to do it well. I personally, don't have a problem with the website, as I don't find the ads particularly intrusive. Compare with something like the Yorkshire Post website, which is pretty much unreadable. As for iFollow, they're really just made a mess of it, both in the quality of it and the sale of the media rights.
Agree with your points. On the iFollow point, what has happened to it? Jay alluded to it the other week. On Tuesday the camera was so wobbly at times, a man was in front of it taking his seat at least twice; it was generally amateurish. I'm not having a go at the club, and don't want to chastise the cameraman etc, but when you pay a tenner a pop and compare it to Now TV (Sky) for example (£12 for a day pass), it's night and day in terms of quality. Very poor for me now, and i can't recall it being this bad before.