As a caring community BBS group we need to think about how we respond to fellow Barnsley fans, players and staff who may read this forum or play an active role on this forum and how OUR comments directed at another individual could affect their wellbeing and MH. We all have different views, we all see things slightly different, different political views, different views on hiw our team have played, no one should receive personal direct insults. Again numerous threads pinpointing a few individuals with unacceptable comments just because some didnt agree with their post or they had made a mistake. Online social media bullying is abhorent It is online bullying not freedom of speech or just what happens on a football forum to direct abuse at an individual for having a difference of opinion or not being perfect. We can and should disagree, debate, even argue and express our feelings as long as they are not discriminating, offensive or personal insults. We cant change the world but we can make changes to the small parts we are involved in starting with this forum.
Some proper all pile on merchants on here,great post maybe if it wasn’t anonymous a few would think twice
Whilst I agree with the sentiment in the main, you have to accept this is a community and if someone posts something a bit daft then people are going to speak their mind about it. If you were in a pub with a group of friends and someone comes out with something out of order, does just one person challenge it or do several say something? I think you know the answer to that. To expect a forum to behave any different is a bit naive. Doesn't mean people have to be abusive though.
Yes I agree and put that bit in my OP about debating and having a good argument all fine. I think in a pub and with a group of friends bit is the difference here, not many on here know each other or are friends and I do believe a lot posted on here wouldn't be said to someone's face and that's not meant as in a physical threat thing but more of a you don't call someone eg a cxnt to their face very often for having a difference of opinion unless you are a total bully and not very nice person.
I refer you to my last sentence. People have spoken with others on here for years, if not more than a decade. I think this community is closer than you think it is.
I would challenge that. For the vast majority it’s just an internet monicker that is essentially an anonymous person, with pockets of those that know each other. The way some people respond on here they wouldn’t do in real life, at all. The pub example doesn’t work either because the back and forth discourse you’d get in the pub, in a friendly and fair way, gets totally ignored on this site sometimes. Your original post keeps getting quoted rather than the follow ups with give far more context. You see it almost every day. Pub conversations don’t work like that. Plus tone, body language, etc.
I totally agree - the problem is that if you don't toe the line on many issues you will be verbally attacked/bullied - you must not be a Brexit supporter - you must not question the validity of 'taking the knee' - you must never criticise a left wing political policy - you must express concern about the West Stand Issue - you must not support Khaled - you must not even hint at reading the Daily Mail etc shoot the message but not the messenger !!
You are confusing things here. A majority on here do hold the views you state but it doesn’t mean you are bullied just disagreed with
Lots of good arguements, disagreements on here thats what makes it funny, unfortunatley there are definitly a few acts of online abuse, bullying, persnoal insults. We need to highlight it and stamp it out.
I'm not sure that bullying is the case. I think we have a core of users who have similar beliefs on a wide range of topics. Not to be unexpected really given that the majority of posters are probably working or lower middle class males born and raised in Barnsley. Any views that are different from those will inevitably provoke a response and rather than it being targeted bullying, it is, in my opinion, more a case of the majority offering opposing viewpoints. That said, sometimes the language used (by both sides) can be confrontational or aggressive which comes across closer to bullying than debating.
You are doing to my post what some have done to SD's post - that is dismiss what is being said. I would class some of the things said to me as examples of bullying - with respect FR, it's not up to you to write it off as 'disgreements'. I would class being called a f-------c---, a f------ racist, being threatened with solicitors letters (3!) as bullying !
Love this, so if anyone disagrees they’re left-wing, woke. What is a left- wing political policy’ anything that critics this govt. Too many Tory apologists on here trying to hind behind their selfish ways and thinking. What I’ve read on here is people of different political persuasion criticise or not the club, it’s not as straightforward as you make out. I rarely criticise the club and/ or club staff, therefore according to you I’m not left-leaning, this is straight out of the Liz Truss/Rees- Mogg book of Wokism. You complain or criticise therefore you are.
When have you been threatened with solicitors letters? Was it the time you made defamatory comments? You were the bully there old ****
Maybe if you read his last line of shoot the message and not the messanger than you might be able to add something relevant to the thread as your comment has nothing to do with the point of the thread or taffs posts.
FFS. 99.9% who join this forum will have spent time reading it beforehand, you knew perfectly well how it operated.