It has to be read in the context of the entire thread and I agree. The quote was not the best of examples. And could have been put better.
I was one of the 8000 yesterday and I wasnt remotely offended by SD comment, i understand his passionate comment but disagree which is fine. To lose SD off the BBS would be a big shame and a loss to my and others enjoyment on this forum.
So, has SD had his account closed? The board will be a worse place if so. It was the characters like The Full Ponty et al that got me hooked on the board in the first place, and I always saw SD along those lines. I bet we've all made a stupid post without thinking how it will look/come across, and then get embarrassed by it after. If you're reading this, ask Admin to reactivate you, ya great numpty!
Too much alcohol and a bad result are not good bedfellows. SD and a late night flounce has been on the cards for a while.
We’re all your forum friends SD and if you re-evaluate things you’ll realise that a vast majority want your “unique” but funny contributions to continue
99% sure admin do not shut down accounts, even if requested. Only times they do is to ban a poster and said posters are given due warnings. As SD has not broken any house rules his account will be active.
As far as I'm aware, and I'm sure admin can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe they react to public requests to close accounts. I mean, why would they? If you don't want to use this place just don't log on. It's like asking to be banned from a pub because you don't like their beer or some of the locals. You just don't go. And these requests are always reactionary, almost always late in the evening and pretty easy to deduce are alcohol fueled. They may have changed policy, they may now do as requested. You want your account closed? OK then, there you, let's see how you like that. I would. But then @Gally is a lot nicer than me.
Accounts have always been shut down on request. Like you say though, those requested through PMs that aren’t just Saturday night public flounces like this one. Public requests are often reactionary, but follow ups for days privately leave you no choice. Some people need the pub closing down and boarding up to stop going (the equivalent of deleting the account). SD’s account is still active and fine though. No changes made to it from my limited view.
I'm not so confident - if Nudger or Higgy had opened a thread like this, they'd have been on it like rats up a drainpipe In SD's case, could be seen as an opportunity to clean up the BBS, with all the sextoys and lewd comments posted in the past. At times, gets a bit like south park on here & this clip brings back happy memories of SD's contributions to this forum. RIP Sir Stephen Dawson
SD .... for pity's sake. Who is going to "like" my posts if you leave? It only leaves Red Helen to like them ... just as she seems to like everybody elses posts ! And we'd miss your filthy mind.
He`s only injured, but I believe young George will be taking over tomorrow, whilst his dad tries to find summat else to do at work.
Please be kind. Remember when people take on an internet persona its escapism from reality. In real life we dont truly know what anyone is going through. Hope you are ok Stephen.
Were it me whose name was linked to 'other sex-offenders' in the same sentence I would come to the same conclusion as SD. I don't think it would be anyone else's business to question neither my view nor SD's on the conclusion that we reach. I feel that MR should accept that his post has caused distress to one of the best posters on this site - I don't think MR deliberately set out to upset SD - that doesn't mean he can't be magnanimous and offer an apology to SD.