I read his posts, he apologised and gave a reasonable explanation of what he thought and meant. Disagree with content of a post as much as anyone like but to call him a liar, looney etc isnt right and we have no idea of what any of us is going through and how they are feeling. Insults abuse could push someone who is on the edge already over the edge, so to me its not worth the risk. Not saying this by the way is how Tekky is but no one but the person knows.
I I dont think you will ever get it which is a shame because its an important part of life now. If he lied he didnt cause any harm but like i said he explained and apologised that should be enough.
No he didn't. That's the thing. He didn't. He doubled down and denied lying again and again. You aren't stupid, you know he was lying. Yet you defend him. Why? Is it because you share political views and agendas? It's the only thing I can think of, honestly.
On the poll its important to differentiate between not being affected by personal abuse and never receiving any. I wanted it to be an open vote as i thought it was important aswell. Their some people in the never received any abuse poll who i would have interpreted posts as being abusive to them but obviously they dont see it like that.
It's a massively flawed poll in my opinion. Firstly by asking people to put their name to it and admit to being affected means you'll get people lying, either to others or to themselves, and saying that they haven't when they have, or trying to 'man up' a bit by saying it doesn't affect them when it does. And secondly it doesn't take into account the fact that there are occasions when people have received abuse that's affected them but the poster admits they incited that abuse
Let me ask you a simple why is it so important to you to call Tekky a liar. What does that add to yours or anyone elses life?
What does judge and jury mean in this instance Why are you twisting stuff, it would be interesting to learn what is personal abuse to one isnt to another, nothing at all wrong with that.
As someone who has issues with depression, which were incredibly intense in lockdown I can only say I've only had massive support on the BBS. I've occasionally said the wrong thing to others & visa versa, but either on football / political / Brexit issues, etc, which are not personal. On most of those occasions I've apologised on the public forum. No one is perfect & the mask of usernames, whilst being the only way to go does define people by their views, rather than their personality. I could quite happily go for a beer with a pro Brexit Tory & have a great time talking about football, general life, etc & their diametric beliefs would not be an issue in the slightest. I've done that many times & my "lefty" friends have welcomed them too. A forum is all about words, no body language, facial or verbal expression, just words, so those can either be the most uplifting or the most hurtful in equal measure.
I'll come back at you with why is it so important for you to defend the liar over the person calling out the liar? Is it because via his lies he is supporting your political views and agendas? The reason I call him out for lying is because he is using those lies in order to make right wing Tory supporting posts which I believe are damaging to this country. posting pro Tory and pro Brexit things they are in my opinion harmful as they give more power to the Tories and helped to push through the Brexit vote in the referendum. To find out that the poster in question has been knowingly lying to give credibility to his posts and thus to to give extra weight to those anti EU or pro Tory posts which people read and form opinions based on is something which I think should be called out. It's a bit like the ******** £350m on the side of the bus. It was a lie which massively altered public opinion and influenced the voting. Of course it should be called out as such
Brilliant post, i dont express myself well at times even though my intentions are good but your lfirst and last lines i hope hits home with some people.
Its important to me as i know what affect unnecessary negative comments can have on some peoples wellbeing and mental health, most people come on here to get away from general life, hear bfc anf other views, learn stuff and have a chuckle. I am not defending Tekky or anyone else and certainly nothing to do with political views but its something i believe in and if it stops one person who is at a low point getting any further upset by an online comment then this afternoon has been worth it.