If that tackle by Cundy in the 28th minute is a foul. Both Scowen and Gape should have been booked for gamesmanship. Both insinuated that Cundy left the ground with both feet, when in reality, he nicked the ball away cleanly and the Wycombe player kicked the bottom of his foot. How he saw that as a foul I'll never know. Didn't influence the game, but an absurd decision nonetheless.
They were one of those increasingly number of teams that surround the ref protesting and complaining at every opportunity. Unfortunately these teams seem to get more decisions in their favour than not. As you say didn’t influence the game but still annoying.
And iirc 2 minutes later scowen went in on Benson and nothing was given. Probably because Benson didn't bounce around like a greasy sausage down a corridor though.
It was right in front of me and a perfectly legal challenge Cindi won the ball fairly without diving in -he just got there first No idea why the Wycombe player went down as if shot bout can only assume he kicked Cundys foot as stated above. To say I and the fans around me were unhappy is an understatement. What really annoyed me about the ref was he let the game flow when for example the Wycombe centre half had Cole in a headlock and hurled him to the floor yet gave Them several soft fouls some were fouls but similar and worse offences totally ignored the other way. We didn’t play handball despite 3 clear cases where they handled it. One stopping Cole breaking through and we saw again the ref falling for old fall over and grab the ball to force him to give a free kick knowing it will go to the defender.