Not sure how true this is but......
There are too many people (mainly Tories) who will happily turn a blind eye to that but admonish a striking rail worker trying to drag themselves out of the ditch.
In answer to your question - No, we will put up with anything and go along with the spin that is put out by the cronies who don't want to rock the boat.
The forerunner of the guillotine, the Halifax Gibbet was invented just 20 miles to the Northwest of Oakwell. It was possibly used to carry out the sentence on livestock thieves and was also operated by cattle - which was kind of fitting...
More piggies with their snouts in the trough
They've successfully diverted the majority of the populations attention with Brexit and immigration a bit like Thatcher's Trade Union and single parent bashing did in the 80s divide and conquer the first rule of the Tory party mantra. While the population are concentrating on non issues the Tory party and their cronies make merry with the wealth generated by the working men and women of this country was always the Tory way and always will be.