I think the timescale of 2 to 5 years for trial and execution and challenges apply in the USA but didn’t apply here in the UK. There may gave been grounds for an appeal but not a string of appeals. The condemned’s mental state would be assessed. A minimum of three weeks passed between sentence and execution and I think it was unusual if not unheard of for six or more months to pass. Most of the people in attendance at an execution would be on the payroll whether or not there was an execution. The Governor, assistant, prison engineer, Chief Warder, doctor, Deputy Sherriff of the County or his representative were all getting paid whatever. When the condemmed cell was occupied there would be two prison officers in attendance 24/7. For the execution itself, two experienced officers would be on duty, possibly brought in specially for the occasion from another prison. There was no special diet, no last meal requests. The hangman was paid the approximate equivalent of a week’s pay of the national average wage and travel expenses. The assistant about three quarters of that and travel expenses. They were also fed and supplied with a bottle of beer. I’m happy to bow to anyone else’s superior knowledge but it seems to me that the cost of the appeal judges if an appeal was allowed, the cost of doctors for mental assessment and the cost of death watch officers would be the main costs and I don’t see how they would be more expensive than a life sentence behind bars. I am against capital punishment in any form. A prison officer said “ If capital punishment is right, why does it feel as though a crime has been committed after a hanging? Why did I feel dirty after an execution?”. A prison chaplain still had nightmares 20 years after an execution. It’s wrong at any price.
that’s the key for me ‘decades’ I get seriously hacked off when people are sentenced to ‘ life’ and it turns out to be minimum of 15 years or so. For me maliciously taking an innocent life by acts of violence should mean life as in for the duration of their life.
Not sure I agree with this. Yes the rumours suggest it was gang and drug related but that doesn’t make this joint enterprise. He was running away from the gunman in fear of his own life. His actions endangered the householders yes, of course. But his only intention appears to have been to save his own life, not endanger anyone else’s. To barge into someone’s house is very selfish, lacking in any foresight as to the consequences. Not really criminal though (other than trespass), and doesn’t make him a murderer in my eyes. Who knows how anyone would react when being chased by a gunman intent on killing you? He hasn’t gone in there with the intention of causing harm to anyone or to assist the gunman in doing any harm. I’m not a legal expert, we have one or two resident lawyers on here that are, but I don’t see how he could be charged with murder. I’ve just seen someone has been arrested suspected of being the gunman. If that is the case he deserves everything that’s coming to him. EDIT My mistake, it isn’t the gunman arrested, it’s the guy who barged into the house. Arrested in connection with the incident and to be recalled to prison after breaching his licence terms. Good. I still don’t think he’s a murderer - future details might change this view - but if he’s knee deep in gang and drug related issues he’s certainly not someone to be free to roam the streets.
Perversely having the Death Penalty may work in the accused's favour. If some of the jurors in a murder trial are strongly opposed to the Death Penalty they will find the criminal 'not guilty.' I'm no legal eagle but wont the guy who did the Liverpool killing be charged with manslaughter not murder. The difference between the two I think focuses on the question of 'Intent.'
said exactly the same thing! hadn't read your post before posting my message. Joint enterprise is a complex issue - read of a guy who gave his friend a lift to a garage - the friend did an armed robbery at the garage - the driver also got 'done' although he had no idea what the friend was going to do.
They are beyond all the reasonable doubts of 12 random people. Who have spent weeks being bamboozled by trained legal experts spinning a yarn one way then another - and who may have deliberated for days and days and argued amongst themselves. How many people have agreed to whatever verdict the majority seem to go with just so they can get it over with? How many were slightly weaker of personality and easily led by a more dominant presence amongst the jurors? I’m sure there are relatively few miscarriages of justice, but there will also be examples of juries getting it wrong on many occasions. The first sniff of an innocent person having been put to death would pause all executions indefinitely - and there’s bound to be new evidence uncovered on a case or two eventually if it was to to be brought back. It won’t be.
What has happened to the little girl is truly awful and what drives someone to do that, or even wave a gun around anywhere near a child.. there aren't any words. The death penalty debate always reminds me of the case of 25-yr-old Nguyen Tuong-van, an Australian man from Melbourne who was caught smuggling heroin into Singapore in 2005 to allegedly help pay off his brother's debts (Australian man to be executed in Singapore - Wikinews, the free news source). I was in Melbourne at the time and the local press followed the case daily. There was real hope of clemency at one point, but he ended up hanging for it at dawn. It just seemed a terrible waste. I've just checked and Singapore still hangs people for drug trafficking, the latest in April was a man sentenced to death in 2010! Obviously, murder, and the murder of a child at that, is a totally different thing. But I get the feeling that a killer wouldn't mind immediately being put to death (as opposed to a life behind bars) in the same way a drug smuggler would rather do time. I don't think it is a good thing, but I understand people who do, they have their reasons.
Need to bring back the stocks. Especially in this social media age, imagine all your mates sharing videos of you getting pelted by rotten veg. Might deter some of them from a life of crime.
Anyone who is convicted is proven to be guilty though. Otherwise you’d rightly have been complaining about other people not being given the death penalty or that there was some doubt and they shouldn’t be killed (but then why are they in prison if there’s doubt they even did it?)
That's it. Look at Sean Mercer who got a min of 22 years. He should never be let out and should die in prison. But as you get closer to the end of his sentence it will be brought up if he's changed and should be let out, which brings back up a lot of heartache for the loved ones of his victim. If life just meant life it would be better.
By sounds of things he strode over the dying girl to get to a waiting car with his gang mates who drove him to hospital ignoring the injured woman and dying little girl . If this is true and it’s what’s being reported they are despicable human beings , I’m sure they are culpable for manslaughter for leaving them and hope they all have the book thrown at them .
Life sentence meaning full life term with no chance of early release hard labour and bread and water Locked up with no privileges whatsoever I’m sure that would be more of a deterrent than capital punishment
What's more when he does get out he'll be more protected than the crown jewels. New identity, car, house job and panic button. (Going off what I've read in the press).