Unlikely the fella is even in Liverpool now dead or alive. If it was gang related there is every chance someone has ‘taken care of him’
In the USA, around 1400 people have been sentenced to death since 1976. Of those, roughly 10% (130-140) have later had that sentence revoked as an appeal found that they could not physically have been present where the murder was committed. That is in America - a so called advanced society with state of the art forensics. In the UK, Derek Bentley and Timothy Evans were hanged and later found enough doubt to suggest their innocence. Someone already mentioned the Birmingham 6, but also the Guildford 4 and the Maguire 7. That would have been nearly 20 people - just at the top of my head who would have been executed for crimes they didn't commit. I would only support the return of the death penalty on the proviso that the decision was made by the Home Secretary and if the person was later found to be innocent then that Home Secretary is automatically convicted of murder and faces the death penalty - and if they died in the meantime it passes down to their surviving family members.
The ones who murdered Baby P, Ian Huntley and the little girl Star last year I would take great pleasure in removing there ability to breathe ( and many more but the list is not exhaustable)
but doesn't that make you a murderer as well though? I genuinely get the anger and the rage, especially from family and friends. I just can't get my head around this kind of blood lust from people demanding someone is killed, in a civilised world. I guess it's natural to draw attention to particularly gruesome murders. kids obviously stoke the most emotion. but state sponsored public execution just feels horribly wrong to me.
Planned murder takes place in every country every single day of the week. It just happens to creatures that don't look like me and thee. And most people buy into that murder. But instead of the gallows it takes place in the abattoir, and if most people saw the real horror of what goes on there, they may think twice about eating them. What gives humans the right to pre-planned murder over fellow beings for their own gratification?
Its not as far as I'm concerned, whats hard, macho or sick about it, I don't get that, I make no appologies whatsoever for wanting the vilest of murderers who in this case take the life of a innocent kid to be put to sleep, I'm still reading your last sentence.
I don't think so, I wouldn't think it would be right to call the British hangman who hung dozens of nazis after the war a murderer ? The thing is for me is Ian Huntley murdered two innocent kids they didnt deserve it, him on the other hand would deserve it for what he did ( all opinions )
I think there's generally a touch of toxic masculinity about the "grrr I'd love to kill paedos" thing as if it's virtue signalling as a Proper Man who wants to protect the vulnerable. When in reality you're saying it would give you pleasure to personally murder someone, which in my view is a bit sick. Particularly as you don't even know if that's what the victim's family would want.
I think this is a little disingenuous to him, because there's plenty of women saying the same thing. Ultimately, I dont think death penalty should exist for reasons stated above. But I can understand the rage and emotion and I don't think it has anything to do with masculine toxicity as you suggest. I think its just raw emotion and hurt, and 'what if it was my kids?'. Life in prison, and that should be LIFE. Not 15 years. Not 20. Life. If he's 18 who's killed this beautiful little innocent child, he could be out at 38 and live a plentiful life
To me there's a huge difference between saying you'd support the death penalty and saying you'd take pleasure from carrying it out yourself.
Do you think the hangman who hung dozens of the SS was a murderer? All opinions of course but i don't think anyone who murders kids should have the privilege of being released 10/15/25 years down the line and having there liberty given back to them, to that end for the most hideous of crimes, 100% proven i would quite happily grab the popcorn
I'm not saying otherwise bud. Its a sad state of affairs when in this day and age were discussing the death penalty because of a 9 year old girl who's been shot and killed due to suspected gang violence. Where are they all getting their guns from? 3 killings in the past 6 weeks from guns in that area of Liverpool
Let's face it Guilford Four and Birmingham Six would have received Capital punishment had it been around ...
I always thought I was vehemently anti death penalty in all circumstances, and still am. And yet, when I heard the news that the perpetrators of the Delhi gang rape had been executed, I could find very few objective arguments inside me that justice hadn't been served, other than the fact that I oppose the death penalty in principle.
We had to learn one quote from him for Politics and Govt A level "justice is like the Ritz, open to all"
Three different areas of Liverpool - Old Swan, Dingle and Dovecot. Swan and Dovecot about a mile apart but Dingle nowhere near
I suppose the way I view it is the natural.order of things. I do buy free range eggs and meat ( apart from dog food)