The idea that take a life as punishment for taking a life has always seemed beyond idiocy to me and that’s before you get to errors. Would have been hard to pardon the Birmingham 6 if they’d been dead. A knee jerk reaction to a tragic event is just that and not how you should make decisions.
Denning quote 'When a lady says 'no' she means 'perhaps' - when a lady says 'perhaps' she means 'yes.' But when she says 'yes' she is no lady.' aaaaaargh!
Look at the cases of Timothy Evans (10 Rillington place) and Christopher Craig (Let him have it). It was too late for them and an eventual 'pardon/apology' after the hanging has been carried out, offered no consolation whatsoever to their families. Having said that though, Id still be all for it if there was such a thing as a 100% no doubt clear cut guilty verdict for murder.
Don't forget the advances in forensic science. And less chance of police getting their figures up so to speak. Derek Bentley would highly unlikely have been found guilty in this day and age. Any conviction based on someone's word (one of the greatest miscarriages of justice ever. Where the man who pulled the trigger got away with the death penalty. By implicating Bentley with the most flimsiest statement ever. Although that may have been concocted by the CORRUPT police as Craig always denied saying it, even taking a lie detector test years later and passing) would not get through without the science. I'm not saying mistakes or corruption will not happen. But let's not try compare previous decades/centuries with this one.
She admitted the crime and also said she intended to kill her victim. She didn’t give the jury much option, regardless of her appearance and history. Convicted killers who used poison or shooting as a means were rarely if ever reprieved.
You may have used your brain to adapt and make changes but your body is undoubtedly designed to eat meat so Helen was right, it is the natural order of things. By nature we are designed to eat meat. That doesn't mean that everyone has to, we are an intelligent species who have developed ways to survive without doing so. But yes there's no getting away from it, the natural order is to kill and eat animals
Just in the last decade or so, there has been the cases of Barri White, Barry George, Suzanne Holdsworth, Sam Hallam, Ched Evans, Shirley and Linette Banfield and the Horizon Postmasters (not all murder obviously). And that is with the advances of modern forensics science. The list in America is much, much larger.