All those stewards and police and yet the gangways and exits particularly at the top of the steps, we’re blocked by people just stood there. Stewards didn’t even try to clear them. Could’ve easily been a nasty accident.
A proper shithole. The stand we were in. the entrance/exit closest to us was locked. Making it difficult to get to our seats. An absolute disgrace. Not even non league standard. If the rest of the ground has the same issues it should be closed down.
Forgot to add, I hope they got the moron who kicked the police dog. We were walking from the coach park in that covered walkway construction and they were a few dog-handlers with what looked like cocker Spaniel type dogs, probably for drug sniffing purposes. Apparently someone just behind me kicked one of these dogs. When we got to end the of that walkway we were then held up by the Police whist they tried to identify the culprit. This meant I was stuck right at the front of a ‘ baying mob’ that was chanting the Leeds scum song and kept surging forward and trying to break the police lines. Eventually we were allowed to go to the turnstiles, then we had the fiasco of poor and unsafe stewarding around the gangways. Oh, and if that wasn’t bad enough the air-conditioning on the coach wasn’t working. Apart from that and the result, I enjoyed it
Leeds and Weds, both playing in 1970s stadiums when most of the other teams rebuilt during the Taylor report. They can only do so much with them, if l was a Leeds fan I'd be hoping for a new stadium.
If we’d have scored when all those idiots were stood in the gangway there would have been hospitalisations or worse. Fortunately, most had gone down to the bar when we scored. There was a big surge back into the stand when we got the penalty though (shades of Ibrox), and could easily have been injuries there. The stewarding and policing was totally ineffective, but let’s put the blame where it really lies, as it was all those who decided to stand in the gangway that caused the problem. All of them too young to remember standing at grounds. The big difference between those days and yesterday was the lack of crash barriers. Had we scored there would have been a big surge forwards and the weight of 100+ people coming down on the people at the front. I was quite nervous, as we were stood right next to it and I am only a blow to the back of the neck away from being paralysed (long story!), so swapped places with my brother, but we also had two kids with us that had never stood near a crowd like that before. At half-time two stewards stood in the gangway, presumably in an effort to keep the fans moving to their seats, but they both looked very young and were soon overwhelmed and made their way back to the tunnel. But how on Earth the police couldn’t see the potential for serious injury and didn’t do anything about it is beyond me. They were being paid for crowd control and are responsible for the safety of everybody in the stands.
Yes let’s blame the police, blame the stewards - and not the ******* brain dead amoebas that make up that faction of our away following. Maybe when they grow some hair on their ******** they might actually start behaving half human. My lad is nearly 15 and I still won’t take him to away games because of them. There’s absolutely no way I’d take the younger ones. The football is completely secondary to their need to sniff through £50 worth of coke, get absolutely mullered and act like a complete lovely person. It’s about time we sorted this out rather than moan about stewarding - they either don’t do enough last night or are too heavy handed at other stadiums - lack of stewarding action, too much stewarding action - why not sort out the common denominator?
TBF, many were were stood there because they couldn’t get to their seats and weren’t deliberately being obstructive. Why can’t stewards/ police insist people sit where their tickets state?
You would have thought a new ground would be in the pipeline a big one city team in oue of the biggest citys in the country they could get another 10 15k a week in the premier league. A mate at my works on the season ticket waiting list which he actually pays to be on belive it or not. Stadium could do with been closer to the city center. Enjoyed the banter between the fans and the game and i think nowadays elland road is probably one of the safest grounds for leaving especially on away day coaches. Much likely to come across bother at Huddersfield, bolton etc where the fans all mix together after.
Yes I know what you mean - but why can’t even a half functioning human just sit on the seats their ticket says without having to be told to not stand on a flaming stairwell?
Tbf I’ve been among those stood wondering where to go as people say in my designated seats (I was also with young children at the time ) If someone refuses to move from your seat and not just mine but many around and then you try to sit down and others saying you sat in their seat what do you do ? It’s all well and good blaming those stood around and maybe their were some intent on doing so choose what but I’d say many others just didn’t know what to do because of slap hazard organisation .
Let's be right, I got asked if I knew where I was sitting. We arrived about 7.15 our row was more or less empty but everyone stood all match. I enjoyed it, bar the result!
Thanks. You just gave me a timely reminder why I stopped going to away games. Just in case I started wavering. Just too old to be putting up with the morons.
Did he used to be a season ticket holder and then couldn't manage a season mate? Because its only last season where they maxed out their full attendance all season. Before that they were no where near full capacity. Ive heard of stories from Manchester United fans losing out because of the covid season, it all got messed up, and despite going for 30 odd years it completely reset for some of them. The club sorted it out eventually - just in different seats... boggles the mind how loyalty only goes one way apparently
No just wants one for him and his lad apparently 5 quid each to be on the waiting list. And yes i think since they got back to the premier league they have had a waiting list for season tickets like you say before that they were avalible
Thats fair enough mate, as I said I knew some Manchester fans who had issues after losing out to others with the season tickets after the pandemic season - bit annoying they're charging fans for just WAITING for a season ticket.
Anyone who kicks an innocent dog deserves a good shoe-in in my opinion. Especially a cocker spaniel, one of the gentlest dogs wtf