All those companies that claimed to be trying to save the world etc can all get fecked. They all claimed to be making no money from the vaccines because it was the right thing to do blah blah blah. Yet now they're suing each other for patent infringement in those exact vaccines. That shows to me that the only motivation was money and greed and they couldn't give a **** about anyone's lives. Utterly disgusting Ps. Not an anti vaccine post, an anti morally corrupt ******** post
Anyone who believed big pharma wasn't in it for money is quite simply naive. Its sad the world works that way, but its true
ST, you really need to calm the F down with these posts, it's not healthy being so hung up on something. And to be fair, only one company, AZ, claimed to be doing it at cost. None of the others (at least not so far as I'm aware) suggested that profit wasn't a motivation.
While I'm not claiming that big pharma is whiter than white, their research and development costs must be absolutely eye-watering, hence selling at a profit being a necessity most of the time. If they weren't a viable going concern, they would either have to operate as a charity, or be funded by taxpayers' money - neither of which would be conducive to developing and producing effective medicines on a regular basis.
Don't forget that they were given billions upon billions in funding to develop the vaccines from governments throughout the world
Making money on vaccines, its the Dido Hardin's £38 billion on Track and Trace we should be up in arms about, where did such a vast amount go as it was not fit for purpose, but no one is bothered?
Can’t disagree with the OP or his sentiments. One thing for certain is there is no even the slightest hint of altruism in big pharma.
I'm glad somebody else is concerned by this, I was beginning to think I was the only one. Just to get this into context, Germany already had a perfectly good mobile phone app that we could have bought from them for 1 million Euros. One which actually worked. I think most of that money is sitting in the Caymen Islands or somewhere similar, it's simply not possible to spend that sort cash on a phone app....
That's a bit simplistic though, ST. They are commercial organisations who exist to make money. The world has benefitted from the drugs they have developed (even though some have given rise to occasional tragedies due to unforseen side-effects). You can argue about how much they extract for their product, but could their life-saving drugs have been developed in a non-commercial environment? I rather doubt it. There wouldn't have been the money spare, surely? I do agree with UTC though that Track and Trace (and the PPE procurement fiasco) were scandals.
But we wouldn't want to do that because of Brexit would we? Plus if we're using someone else's stuff how does bumbling Boris get to come on TV everyday and keep spouting his "first class", "world leading" ********
I can think of a few more appropriate and descriptive words than that mate, but they wouldn't get past the swear filter.
I think they should have been developed not for profit… they have plenty of other commercial drugs that cost pence to produce but pounds to buy for health services across the world. It was time to give back.