Good pick that. Did great at PNE until the board sold his assets from him. Went to a big club with Sunderland and was successful where many before him had failed.
It is a great pick - would have thought Sunderland was the bigger job. Bit of a step back for me though
Where are those numbers coming from @Loko the Tyke? I'm a year out but 2020 payroll was £53m and 2021 was £48m.
Was a Sky Sports feature I listened to a couple of days ago after the announcement came. Their expert summariser might need fact checking by the looks!
I don't think you'll be far off, a lot of the big earner's contracts have come to an end but I think it's probably higher than the £20m quoted. The staggering amount of support provided by the Coates family, £212m for a mid to bottom of the table championship side, just shows how football has gone bonkers.
It shows how far behind the eight ball clubs who try and be run properly are. Given that we might go bust from an £8 million deficit without a cash injection or selling players. I just think why try and balance the books. The teams with the rich sugar Daddies come to the fore.
Would have thought more chance of being successful with Stoke than Sunderland though, just purely down to fact more money available at Stoke.
There was something going round twitter about Neill being emotional towards his players as he's going Stoke, saying main reason was because Sunderland didn't back him in the transfer market like they said they would. No idea how true it is, but it was from some Sunderland fans
i presume this is some sort of write off from the BET365 operation . so in essence its actually nothing ? as they would just have a even bigger tax bill if not unloading that money ? So according to Doug and others we are about 3 .5 million in a hole if we don't go straight back up and cant sell these players what do you estimate (best guess) position we will be in at the end of the season. anywhere between 5.5 /6 to 8.5 million ?
Wheres @Spender when you need him!? Been having a look at their forum and apparently Netflix is back in the building, just in time for Neil not to turn up to the morning presser!
Good evening/morning Helen, nice to hear from you I do call in now and again to see how you are all doing. Well after a good start to the season and at least 2 months of stability it's back to carnage and turmoil that's football - love it. His head has been turned by cash and he's hoped he could negotiate a juicy big pay rise and we haven't matched Stoke's offer so off he goes- that's my take anyway.
I would say 99% of Sunderland supporters would disagree with that and I've heard the same. We've spent some cash and have attracted a few players that were in demand from other championship clubs. The club is also geared up for a busy end to the window with a number of players lined up. We do have a Director of Football model and Neil has said he wanted more players in by now but that's business, do you buy early and get less for your money. Stoke haven't even spent a penny yet and have FFP issues. The rumour is Stoke are trebling his wages. Its a case of bye bye and thanks.
As I said mate, obviously I have no idea how true it is - the guy who linked it said he was a Sunderland fan. I know Stoke have halved their wage bill since Oneill joined a couple of years ago, but it's also still sky high, especially when you consider their inconsistencies & finishing midtable last couple of years
No problem mate. I think it's fair to stay Neil's view of the type of player he wants to sign will be more traditional whereas we are now targeting players based on data and up to now its working very well. The thing is there is still lots of time left in the window and most deals get done in the last few days but AN has wanted players in earlier, that could have been done but at a price and the club is being ran more responsiblely now vs the days that got us into £160m in debt. If he isn't on board with the plan it's best he leaves now although pretty sure it's the cash in his own bank account that is the real reason. Very thankful for him for getting us out of league 1 but would have been better if he had left a month ago if he didn't agree with the project, he knew when he joined us what the plan is.
Yes I've heard that, don't know if it's true about Netflix but how funny if that's true Day one opening scene Alex Neil walks out of his office sees the cameras and says bye I'm off to Stoke, queue the opening credits welcome to season 3 - car crash in the first 20 seconds
The hole will be largely driven by two key factors which are closely linked: 1 The transfer fees the club can raise in the next few days. 2 The salary roll cuts that the club can make. If the club can bring the salary roll down to less than £10m Operating losses will be around £4-£5m. To sustain that and pay back the EFL loan the club needs to raise around another £4m more in transfer fees. The alternative is further cash from the owners. All estimates but hopefully gives an idea of the issues facing the owners.
So i guess also you have to factor in the court case ? got to be sorted soon i would have thought surely 3.25 million plus i guess legal expenses if the consortium wins where does the money come from the Crynes personal money or the clubs ? if its the clubs that's more trouble. if the club has to get a loan if possible(no tv money to borrow against) the consortium would have to sign it off he he if the crynes win how on earth are they going to get the money off them i presume Conway and Chien wouldn't pay up and have any of them even got that money available or at all as that wasn't the plan to pay that money out "Head office" is hong kong or singapore ? no doubt a empty room full of computers redirecting mail for hundreds of companies i presume there head office is there for a multiple of reasons including protection jurisdiction from legal issues.