Seems fair enough to me. His comments about loyalty are a bit weird though, given how mercenary professional footballers are.
But our revenue doesn’t match most teams at our level, so you’re essentially saying you want us to offer wages we can’t afford. I’m not sure wage structure is a problem that can be fixed when you’ve got players leaving to go and earn crazy money elsewhere; Roberts £20k a week, Hourihane close to £30k, Mowatt £25k, Pinnock £16k, Winnall £18k, Bree £16k, Brown £15k. All alleged figures, but won’t be far off. When we’ve played ball with some of the above players and offered them substantial pay rises it didn’t even come close to what they can get elsewhere if they’ve performed well for us.
It makes perfect sense to do something along those lines as contracts are worthless except providing a bit of financial security to the player. As stated, they seem to move on if they want to go and likewise the club will make it clear that they are unwanted if they don’t want them. Would a tiered pay structure encourage staying longer than a season ?
He had 2 clubs before us so I don't get the loyalty card. I've no issues with him celebrating the goal, players should always celebrate, scoring goals is the hardest thing to do on the pitch they say.
Well it can't be with these owners who are utterly useless at opening up new revenue streams for the club and rely on player sales to get them out of the hole of their own downfalls.
Where is the wage tweaking money coming from Spud? We have crowds of 9k, a board unwilling to put there hand in there pocket. And unable to attract substantial sponsorship. We are where we are.. pay more than clubs that get 5k gates but less than clubs who get 20k. Realistically in 2022.. we are a mid-table L1 club.
Well done Chaplin for his goal and his comments regarding how he see's our club. He is right about loyalty now between player and club there isnt any and thats sad but also fully acceptable both ways as that hhow life is now unfortunately. Bfc are the main contractor, players are sub contractors and us supporters are the customers, it sounds harsh but thats how it is. If the main contractor isnt making a profit on a subbie then they will change subbies. If a subbie can make more money with another main contractor same thing. If the customer isnt happy enough with the product they put up with it or dont buy it again. The sub contractor is key on all projects if the main contractors processes and proceedures are in place and the customers brief is agreed for the money they pay then its down to the subbies to deliver. If they dont deliver the customers and main contractor suffer, if they do perform everyones happy, the triangle of effects works same all ways round. If the customers brief is unachieveable then the other two will suffer and if the main contractors processes are not inplace or followed its tough for the other two. Ive put it in to my construction working life scenario, it helps me because at different times in my career ive been a main contractor, subbie and customer so i can relate to all sides. I know a football club is different to construction but its how my brain works to make sense of it all
He's correct. We are a shambles off the field some players we sell might be happy at Barnsley and loyal to us but we just get rid for ten bob profit.
I find his comments on loyalty a bit patronising tbh , if he’d been a great player would he have signed another contract at Barnsley with bigger clubs after him ? No he wouldn’t so balls to that ,and in any other concept when players , coaches etc have any issues and want the fans inside they talk about the fans are the club so if he’s celebrating it’s against the fans as well irrespective of his reasoning . Nothing against him celebrating a great goal against us but cut the crap , he was hit and miss when he played for us and never consistent and we wanted better and he resents that imo .
Never got this about players not celebrating against former clubs ( unless they were a true hero like Ronnie - Chaplin wasn't) if they score a great goal at a nowt time of the season they have every right to celebrate . I would say the exception would be if it was at the end of the season and their previous club was in danger of relegation.
Absolutely no issue with what he's said. He gave us everything whilst here. He's giving Ipswich everything whilst there. He's thanked the fans in that interview. Fair play to him. We binned him off to make room for Iseka and Oulare. I'd have probably said something stronger to be far.
No loyalty in football so the comments don’t bother me. The celebration doesn’t bother me either, can do what they like. Although SW’s was a bit far but I suppose he had it all game.
His comments were probably correct and I thought he should have been kept on . The reactions on here are fair but I bet they would have been different if we would have been beaten
Nothing in there that should offend anyone or cause concern. You could take the majority of former players who have scored against their former clubs this season and the whole buying/selling thing would ring true. The revolving door at Ipswich the last 3/4 years is busier than ours. Great goal and he should 100% celebrate. Played 80 odd games for us but it wasn’t his boyhood club, he wasn’t here for years, only achievement was staying up, so there really isn’t any emotional ties. Strange question for the interviewer really - if they were the rules they’d be uncelebrated goals all the time and nobody wants that.
Seems to me like we do push some players and staff out for a cheaper option, this will come more into effect this season as we are seeing with Iseka at the moment. They need to keep the conveyor belt. going,