Oh please go easy on me guys. I never went but even that today was worse than I ever imagined. Ross has now got to go. Anyway I’m off out into the town for a few drinks with my DFC supporting pal.
Dinna ken mate but it possibly is. Anyway I’ll look on the bright side and just accept that it’s just another 3 points lost
Not a time to Gloat Ian, I’ll save that for my ‘chats’ with ‘Slightly Balding’ next week but that is some Celtic side. They weren’t even playing at full pelt. The speed at which they move the ball is ridiculous. Not quite sure how the Officials can oversee 9 substitutions and add…….1 minute of injury time
Hearing Ross had been sacked so not all bad. Not so sure your team are as good as you think they are. Champions league will be interesting
Ian you must enjoy the pain, Dundee Utd and Barnsley wow. You were allowed to go for glory with your second team you know
Just remember - days like today make the wins that much sweeter for the likes of the Arabs and the Reds.