Ok what’s the little things in life that’s make you mad and arrrrrgh. things like this type of post. people that put milk in coffee after hot water. squeezing toothpaste from the top messing around with the tea, coffee and sugar pots. It’s not sugar, tea coffee
People who put dilute pop in the glass after filling it with water not before. people who open crisp packets from the bottom eating with mouth open smacking and spitting as they go people with no manners ie hold open door and walk straight through or let a car through a gap and just blank you basically people in general
Folk leaving the toaster on a setting higher than 2. People leaving piss on the toilet seat in public toilets/pubs.
neighbours who leave a yapping dog in the garden for hours - or in the house with with windows open so it yaps an entire evening meaning you cant sit in your own garden in peace - it goes on and on and on...
Motorway drivers who sit one lane in from the outside doing 65mph that speed up when you go to pass them at 70 and if you pull back in behind them they slow down again
People who don't say thank you for little things like when you leave the door open or make room on a path for them. Also, litter louts who chuck fast food cartons out on roads or at the side of where they were parked when there was probably a bin metres away to throw stuff away before they decided to go on their way
Those serving behind a bar who ask if you want ice in your coke or whatever, fill the glass with ice then squirt in about a spoonful of coke to cover the ice. Bollacks to that. Fill the glass with pop then ask for a bit of ice after.
oh here's one, people that use butter and put the knife back in to re-spread leave what ever back in the tub (the dirty fuckers)
Yep of course you are correct everything is hunky dory nothing to see here( rose tinted may be a shade too dark ).
Motorists who: don’t use their indicators Brake at the last moment when turning off the road Motorway middle lane hoggers Drive with their windows down and have horrible **** sounds coming out of the speakers at full blast I could go on forever
Delightful those drivers aren't they! I've started to undertake those cars (the ones that will not budge from the middle lane and usually do around 65mph). Or i go from the inside lane, to middle, to overtake in the outside lane, and then back to the inside lane, which just feels stupid. Occassionally drivers will be receptive to that and will then move over to the inside lane behind me. I genuinely think a lot of drivers don't know how to drive correctly on the motorway.
So that was you, was it. I was having a little doze in the middle lane when this idiot did all these swirly whirly manoeuvres round me.
- None tech managers at work telling you to reboot a computer and adding in general instructions for closing things down, when a setting is wrong and they don't know what they're doing. - People walking / stopping / diverting in front of you when walking. - Announcements on trains that go on for ever - People viewing EFL trophy matches and not seeing it as a glorified friendly and we're played our reserve side and experimented despite the same thing happening annually in home games in first round of league cup going back years. - People not going to matches and calling Praise or Grumble and giving their opinion on how the team played.