I have been saying it for years that we are a league one club . The season under under Stendhal was one of the best I've seen in 40 years . Feel good factor was back, great away days, some very good exciting players as well. We didn't push on . Under Struber we struggled big time and only Wigan's cheating saved us . Vals time was a one hit wonder and we lost him and a few players again . Last season was a all time low for me . Rudderless throughout and players gave up as did the owners in my opinion. This season we have regressed further. Signing players that are no good enough. Cundy, McCarthy and Norwood are prime examples. The only shining light is somehow we hoodwinked Duff to join us and the new owners false promises managed to get the season tickets sales up to a decent standard .
This is what bothers me about these posts, who's fault was it that we are a division 3 club with 10k crowds and an income gap that is 7 million less than last season. You can say it was all Conway fault but the fact is he was working for the owners. No ambition at all and no feel good factor. I wouldn't mind if the owners were genuinely interested and trying there best but after 5 years of this ownership how better off are we now.
Just shows how our owners have conditioned some fans when we see the uproar and upset at us not signing someone who didn't exactly set league two alight last season.
These journo's have been stood with their hands on their c ock s like our CEO. It's counter intelligence.
I doubt there were many people interested in him if he ended up at Colchester. Has to be a reason why his last two loans have been Mansfield and now Colchester
It's as grim as the grimmest of your grimmest posts in a grim world with no afterlife but more grim purgatory.
I’m no apologist for the club, and it looks every bit like we’ve had yet another terrible transfer window. However, what I would say is for as long as I’ve known, sections of our fans have given the owners stick. Under Dennis/Rowing et al, we had ‘they don’t want to go up’. Then we had the godawful Doyle/Risdale years. Then Cryne was constantly hammered either for not spending or latterly James’ involvement. Towards the end there were plenty saying it was time for him to go. So I’m not surprised we are where we are. Don’t get me wrong, I would agree that 5 years on I don’t think they have moved us forward at all. However I think boards/owners have always had grief.