Three consecutive gaffers have said that he doesn't show enough in training to be selected on a weekend. Not one. Not two. But three. He's played 140 games in an 8 year career to date. That would suggest that the problem lies with the attitude of the player.
I’d go along with that train of thought and just to add he must have had the deck chairs out for the other two managers to think that and Duffs called his bluff.
The problem is why did we sign him with the visa issues? And then with his such poor stats and appearance record. Id love conway to answer some questions on him and oulare signings.
The only thing I could guess at is we have tried to move him on and he has refused or tried to reduce his pay somehow.
I'm neither in support of him or against him. I don't know what is going on. I think people are making judgement on information we don't have. I do however think this post from Iseka does not help his case. But then I didn't particularly like the statements by Duff.
I used to teach a good few years ago and hand on heart, I can tell you the female managers and senior staff were god dam awful and the venom they had was almost evil at times . Not saying ours are by the way,
There is always a reason and thought process behind what happens in decision making, not all details are disclosed to everyone. Without the facts people are guessing and generally wide of the mark. I genuinely think the board, staff have the best intentions for our club but ubfortunately not everyone can be at the top all the time and not all decisions are right.
I can relate to that. Female member of staff. It's hard for you Steve travelling from Rotherham to work everyday. I do sympathise with you. Next day warns me about my timekeeping because when she arrived I was having my morning dump and wasn't there to say hello as she arrived.
Whilst he’s probably right & we are trying to force him out to get shut of his wages he only has himself to blame for how little effort he put in last season. If he had grafted & done well we’d either have offers for him or we’d trust him to lead the line.
Yes he never gave that impression of being lazy and disinterested at all when he played last season did he?
That’s the conundrum do we play players that try or trying to get fit or players that can’t be arsed most of game ?
Struggling to see your point here. There is no correlation between gender and how good a manager you are. There is, though, a correlation between how good a manager you are and how much of a c.u.nt in general you are. Male, female, non-binary, or identify as a South American Tree frog. If you are a decent human being you will treat people who work for you decently. I’ve had appalling line managers, I’ve had bloody good ones and everything between, and there is no trend based on their gender.
I'm just giving you my experience in that role . I now have my own business and the female customers are generally better than the male ones . Just to add to the argument, Nhs staff are the worse by a long way to work for . Out of probably 15 clients, only one was nice .
We should be trying to make the best of whatever talent we have on the books at present. If this lad believes he's cut out for better things, it's up to him to play his way out of here. Somebody should remind him that it's a short career & you're a long time retired. That's the manager's job & if he's trying reverse psychology, it doesn't sound like it's working..
Thing is though' he's here now' and i for one would like to see how he performs against lge 1 defences and he can't be any worse than cole imo' i fear that Duff may ending up cutting his nose off to spite his face now though having said what he did.