Been holding back for ages from posting something like this but i cant hold on any more. Whatever guise of ownership we currently have or have had since Chien Lee Paul Conway etc have been here we are an embarrassment both on and off the pitch. Open days. Oh dear. Match day experience. Draughty soulless concourses. Closed kiosks and no beer/food available. Replica kits. Unless you are a 7XL or a 5 year old forget it. Shirt sponsorship. About as embarrassing as you could write in a fictional novel. Connectivity with the fans. None. Hiring 2 of the worst managers in history. Player recruitment. Having no one behind the scenes with footballing experience to oversee signings is a massive faux pas. Also having a former CEO wasting a load of money on 2 strikers with no heart/fitness levels is beyond belief and costing is big time. Having a striker on the books who allegedly doesnt put effort in during training to warrant selection yet he is one of our now highest earners. West stand debacle. Taking money out of the club. A clueless CEO who has asked to be judged by his actions Sub standard players brought in to replace our better ones sold on. Loaning out probably our biggest saleable asset to Millwall on the 11th hour of the transfer window closing. Sorry for the rant but i needed to write that.
Best part about that post Is that it doesn’t even cover everything. These are dark days for the club and I don’t care about the’Iley out’ crew who say that times have been worse . The bank balance right now is likely to represent an existential threat to the future of the club . Let’s not forget the auditor comments in the last set of accounts referenced as much .
I told myself ill judge the new board by where we finish end of season. Everything takes time, and despite a lot looking bleak at the minute, I'm still going to reserve my judgement until the final game (unless something drastically bad happens, which it won't imo, as others seem to think). Not sure about Wednesday match, but if we win our next 3 games after, the fans will be buzzing. Its a very fickle game is football.
And whats wrong with that? People are entitled to their opinions. Just because some folk see things differently doesn't mean they're apologist. There's a lot wrong with the club at present. I think what people don't realise is, is that there's a great many things wrong with plenty of other clubs too.
Let me guess, should just be happy we have a club even though it's going backwards under these owners.
You forgot changing a suxcessful playing style due to no clubs buying our players resulting in relegation
What would you prefer me to post? Things I'd like to be true but arent? This lot have nothing but contempt for the supporters.
There are very few "shiny, clappy people". There's a lot who prefer to stay level headed, accept that the club has been run extremely badly, have seen that changes have been made and are prepared to judge on the reaction over a reasonable period of time. The ones who aren't maunging because we've inevitably sold players and not spent millions replacing them. The ones who recognise the financial mess we're in but don't expect it to magically disappear. The ones who don't have knee jerk screaming fits every time we lose a game. F**k knows what this place will be like later when/if we've lost. Actually we do know. It will be the usual suspects crying about us not being in the top six etc. The club's in a mess. A big mess. Because of mismanagement. But some are realistic enough to see that it will take two to three years to get out of it. If, as has been said, there's no signs of that happening by the end of this season then it's a different story but to brand folk happy clappers because they're not prepared to make a judgement three months into a two year process is just daft.
And you appear to have nothing but contempt for the supporters whom don’t agree 100% with you (“shiny clappy people”). Why the need to polarise everything nowadays? There’s a whole spectrum of fans in between “board out” and “happy clapper apologists”, even if it is currently somewhat front loaded to the former.
I don’t really care about other clubs tbh… We’ve had a lot of posts like this because we are genuinely worried. I get people think that we’ll need 2-3 years to turn it around. However, we’ve got a massive hole in the finances to fill. We’ve sold our best assets, with maybe a goalkeeper left that’s worth anything…. And still come up well short. The likelihood of any success on the pitch is looking poor. This will have a knock on effect to other revenue streams. And if we do want to compare to other clubs…. They get around 30% more when they sell their assets, and owners willing to get involved in the finance. I like that we have optimistic people putting their ideas on the situation, as it does help balance the viewpoint. Slagging each other off for having a different viewpoint doesn’t. The Styles situation is a strange one. It could be the greatest or the daftest deal of all time. We will have to wait and see.
We could have signed Messi, De Bruyne and Haaland. Duff would still have us playing the same tactics that saw Wycombe and Lincoln go through us like a dose of salts.