I agree any success on the pitch is looking far from being immediate, but it is unfair to write all current 1st team players off or the promising Academy lads coming through (not saying you are) Indeed, they could be our saviours on and off pitch. It is possible to be hopeful and want success, without having your heads in the clouds (so called happy clapping)
The O.P. is exactly where I'm at currently. It's difficult to see things go down the pan as quickly as they have. Almost every decision made since we lost to Swansea has seen us go backwards at an alarming rate. Some folk are seemingly happy with current events - fair play to them, that's their prerogative. This year has been my first without a season ticket at Oakwell since 99. Sorry, a seasonal membership at Grove Street. I might do an away day with a few mates this year. But that will be more for the day, rather than the game. It's a sad state of affairs.
Wouldn't hold my breath two will be injured in a freak warm up collision and the other will no doubt be sent off in the first minute for daring to take the ball off piggy golden boy Barry Bannan, it's the Barnsley way
As bad as things may seem, I believe the worst is yet to come. Having just updated my domestic financial forecasts to take account of the further increases in energy costs, I doubt I'll be able to afford a season ticket next year. I suspect I won't be alone in that as the economy flatlines and unemployment, mortgage rates, and the cost of living all increase further. I can only see the club's financial hole getting bigger, I'm afraid.
This may seem a tiny bit happy clapper...but I do believe imho we are at a very different place then we ever have been. A temporary board (used to oust the idiots!) and a financial situation that needs constant surgery. Because of this we also have an interim playing squad...we do however (again in my opinion) have a good coach. We are light years from where our opponents are today. My own way of getting through this patch is to lower my expectations of this entire season...lower mid table will do. That does not detract from the appaling way we have treated by our board....however I will give them time. I will like everyone else on this board be screaming my head off to get behind the lads today.
I love churtonred, voice of reason. However, I support good, lively and informed debte, without malice, hatred or willfulness. Then again, I am entertained by this board.
We could write an essay on every excellent point. Shirts has been a huge issue for me for many years. The new replica shirts (all designs) should be available by the 1st of June. The prices they charge for something made for peanuts in Vietnam the least they should do is make sure new replica kits are available with as much warm weather as possible around to wear it without it being hidden under a jumper and/or coat. Shirt sponsorship is one of the worst things we've ever done. For it to take a social media fan account to do the homework of our owners in finding out what Hex were like and then trying to spin having different shirt sponsors as a good thing when it just shows how little companies want anything to do with us the way it's always been done is something else.
I asked a question on the price of shirts at a Q&A some time ago, the club thought they were good value purely based on the fact that in some other countries they cost even more. It missed the point to me and I guess nothing will change unless people stopped buying them. They should be no more than 30 quid a shirt IMO.
The only thing I'd take issue with Fonzie....I don't think any one of us is happy with the current state of affairs.
As to the price of a shirt, they are very hard wearing. My sons still.fitting into and wearing his England one from the world cup for eg.so personally I don't think the price is that bad. Plus as a little kid he had a variety of football shirt hand me downs that were still in good condition.
But you can go into a sports shop and buy a top made of the same sort of material including from a decent brand and pay £20. So we are basically paying £30 to have the club badge on a shirt.
Haha so after 5 games or whatever having any player worth a bean sold and replaced by freebies its duffs fault. Couldnt make it up. Could get pep in a prime sir alex whoever but there going to struggle with zero support like duffs had. Lewis Hamilton is a good driver tie his hands together hes going to struggle.
You could admittedly. Luckily none of my kids have been into designer gear but I've always bought them football tops and they've had the wear out of them and wanted to wear them.
I thi I think you've been quite complimentary to the club on that one . The owners/ new owners are the worse thing to happen to this club. They have ran the club down to its bare bones . The moral of the staff must be rock bottom. Players look disinterested half the time . The ground is a disgrace . Filthy and soulless. It must be the only business I know that can lose so much money, hire people that are not capable of doing the job, let' its customers down constantly and they still get large numbers of returning customers. I knew from the start these owners would suck the life out of the club until they got what they wanted. They can't get that , so they disappear and put new puppets in their seats. These new puppets then put on a scarf and say their a fan and judge them by their actions ! Not one of them as any experience of running a football club . I may as well do job .
I genuinely fear for the future of the game in this country. The Premier League spending this season has been extraordinary. It's almost as if they don't recognise that with a domestic economy tanking and households looking for ways to curb spending they aren't in a bubble.