Absolutely hilarious. Whoever booked this show must absolutely hate her to put her up against Joe on her new show's first broadcast.
It was great fun. They've finally hit the dregs & Liz Truss is like the back wash!! I'm very right wing too..
I thought he was absolutely brilliant. I am sure the Daily Heil or the Brexpress will have a column dedicated to this tomorrow, justifying their stance on lefty woke comedians
He's taking the wee wee out of the absurdity of it all, and having a jab at the 'impartiality' of the questioner
He’s a comedian who is most definitely not right wing. He is saying this stuff because it shows how ridiculous it is but the interviewer can’t argue against it as then they’d be insulting the Tories.
I mean just read this.... It's the worst of the worst. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/sep/04/liz-truss-energy-prices-action-plan Joe Lycett was great BTW.
On the same theme. The brilliant Stewart Lee's stand up show 'Snowflake' is on BBC2 tonight. Unfortunately clashes with MOTD2, which makes me think the BBC don't believe a person can like both football AND progressive, intelligent comedy..
But but he said he wasn’t lefty or woke and agreed with everything the Tories have done how can the express or Heil complain I’ve only seen a couple of clips on Twitter but might have to watch the whole show on iplayer for one time only. In other news I see HIGNFY isn’t popular with their factual Boris tribute
Great stuff! Piss-take of the highest order. I can't stand Kuenssberg and to see her squirm was delicious. I'd like to see him on Question Time next, although fat chance of that now.
Good to see his annoyed the right people. They don’t like the way he held up a mirror to their client journalism that parrots platitudes and lies.
Sad He was extracting the urine and this seemed to go under the radar of Laura Kuenssberg, but given the backlash from the purple rinse brigade then I am certain the Heil and Brexpress will have an opinion