Never read a story like that before. Where was the security? Very vague so no mention of which club the idiot supports. I would presume it's one of his own fans, which makes a very bad situation even worse.
Where did you hear that from? Edit; Just seen it on the BBC mate. If you're right, nothing short of a lifetime ban (in addition to criminal punishment of course) should be imposed.
CFC have issued a statement saying a serious allegation has been made against one of their players. No further comment pending investigation.
They keep picking wrong uns at Chezzy - last manager was a right lovely person too. Hope it doesn't derail there season yet again.
Was about to say the same. Assuming this one is true, that’s two shocking incidents in a short space of time. Really poor for the football club as a whole and sad for those who are caught up in it or having to deal with it. Especially when sandwiched between you’ve got Paul Cook walking out on interviews when he doesn’t like the questions.