We suffered a server side stack overflow along with a nand gate logic circuit capacity discharge. Or summat.
On a serious note, I seem to recall a discussion some time ago about how the BBS is funded and if memory serves, the admin people pay for it themselves. I for one would be happy to contribute.
Disclaimer. Gally pays for it. Can’t take credit where absolutely none is due. I just delete duplicates and tidy up posts where someone has messed up the quote function.
Not good enough IMHO. Just shows how far this onxe great BBS has fallen when we accept failure like this. Don't see this on the Brentford forum. #GallyOut
Obviously on this occasion I’m not going to do what I claimed. But you’d be surprised how often it happens
I genuinely didn't realise you cleaned them up. I'm surprised you can work out where they went wrong sometimes
It’s really easy to spot, for me anyway. Not sure what it looks like on that tapatalk app. The only thing I’m useful for is tidying up people’s links and posts.
Just checked them out, 100% renewable energy, very impressive, they are a bit pricey though. Saying that the cheaper one I use is probably powered by wood burning! Do you pay for BBS personally Gally, is it something the ST help with. Maybe the BBS award get together could be used to raise some money to cover BBS for a year, dosnt seem right for you to pay for it while we all enjoy it for free