Double what it was last year. If you've got kids, I'd be telling them to buckle up and get saving....
And this is what is people get in their heads! She has capped it.. yes! But the damage is already done. Course it was due to get worse but it hasn’t got better. Over doubled energy bills and millions already struggling. Now she has capped it people (mainly Tory voters) will think she’s “delivering” but until she pulls back the price from all the greedy ba3tards then she’s got a hell of a lot of work to do.
It's still a rise, from what was already a high price. And while the tories will accuse Labour of tax and spend, just because of their calls for a windfall tax, their approach seems to be borrow, spend and tax the poorest.
It’s still probably 3 times the amount people are used to paying. Don’t think it’s going to make much difference really.
I really wish that they'd report the planned cap per kWh and same for standing charges, rather than throwing around this £2500 figure as if that's the cap. It's not!
Tories don't seem to understand the meaning of 'inflation'. It's the RATE of price increase, you prannocks, NOT the market value. & if, by some bizarre chance, you did manage to 'get it under control' - that DOES NOT mean a decrease in price. Far from it. Nationalisation is the only way to reverse this crap.. The Russians have got you over a barrel, literally & there's F all that you dare do about it. A council estate ****-kicker like me, should not have to be schooling politicians in principles of economics.. Serious post over. Sorry about that.
Completely agreed. I've been pretty much across this last few months, but it does still sort of get in your head that it will be £2500pa even though I know full well I'll be higher as we have higher than 'typical' usage.
From Martin Lewis Also tweeted "Point 15 of this has not been said in parliament, but I've been told this directly by the Secretary of State for Business as its what I was arguing for. "Those on fixes, can either stay on them, or can leave and switch to the new state subsidised tariffs with no exit penalties."
It's not though, is it? It's something to stop people getting in even more trouble. It's done nothing to fix what's already happened.
I totally agree way it's been reported is that bill are capped at £2500 that's not true it's a cap on kwph not your annual cost very dangerous if anyone thinks they can use as much as they like and it will cost no more than £2500. I bet this sticks in the Tories throats along with furlough as these are very socialist ideas but I'm sure the working classes will pay in the long run.