Yep. Kwasi Quarteng in March wrote that no amount of fracking across hundreds of wells in the UK would have the slightest effect on prices any time soon especially as the fracking companies were unlikely to sell it at below the market rate. But fracking eh? Just what we need with the added bonus of earth quakes and the use of untold millions of gallons of water to get it out. F***ing brilliant!
Energy companies must be laughing their cocks off. All this will be paid for in taxation, that's you and me and everyone else.
And we'll pay for it in the long run anyway whilst the likes of Shell and BP trouser eye-watering sums in profit - little of which will find it's way to this country. She's just the oil/gas industry's bitch.
We don't have mains gas here, so I'm also waiting for the kwh price. I presume that the 2500 cap is for those that have both gas and electric. Would that mean 2500 for both or 2500 each?
Both I assume. But only for a "typical household" or an "average user" - whatever the **** that's supposed to mean. Pretty meaningless, given the mix of households up and down the country... single adults, one parent families, two parent families... one child, two children, three, four, more... drafty old houses, well insulated houses... houses in the warm south, houses in the colder north... flats, bungalows, semis, terraces, detached... An average is utterly useless.
ime already paying £3600.Can someone explain why people earning over £100,000 need the £400 pounds when they will not get a N. I. contribution increase saving them approx £1700 a year in increased taxes compared to living wage saving approx £100 year. wonder how many tories m.p.s have bought shares in energy companies in the last 6 weeks
It’s not help from Truss; it’s our money she’s using to protect humongous unearned profits by the energy industry. It’ll be nowt to do with the £100k campaign donation from the wife of an energy tycoon. But yeah; thanks Liz.
My energy company have not (yet) been in contact to say that prices will be going up from Oct 1st. How much notice do they have to give?
I think the unit price for electricity will be around 34p if my calculations are right , from October onwards
Centrica are in negotiation for a new contract to supply energy at below the market rate - a sort of voluntary windfall tax. It's coming to something when a company steps in to do the government's job.
To be fair the energy companies have been saying for some time that they wouldn't object to a windfall tax, they are in it for the long term not just immediate massive profits. But no doubt there is some self interest in it.
They don’t need it but the process of means testing costs more than the savings to be made so it’s better and cheaper to pay everyone it.
Most people live to their means though. Someone on 100k in London may well have a £2k a month mortgage for a family home for example, plus pay more tax. They may have bigger homes, bigger bills. I think if there was means testing it would have to be tapered but as you say, it becomes disproportionate to implement such systems.