I've become more and more of a Republican as I've got older, and the Andrew scandal pushed me further still. I do, however, respect the Queen for the way she has gone about what she calls her "duty". She could have just chalked **** on it as she got older and spent her day at whatever the closest Weatherspoons is to Balmoral, but she's plodded on. I've got a funny feeling we won't get another monarch puts the miles in she did. Also, I'm breaking into cold sweats at the thought of us having President Truss in charge. On second thought, lets hold off on abolishing the monarchy for a while, eh?
No I don't Ian there was definitely no need for a comment like that,a family of such standing should never had said something like that.
Brought it on herself then. The racism. The bullying. The discrimination. The media onslaught. Fair dos.
Imagine, all that crown land which is a special criminal offence to trespass on once belonged to everyone. Fair enough, firing ranges, nuke sites, etc. But the land belonging to the Royal family? How did they get that land? Wake up.
Please just stop! At this moment in our countries history if you have nothing good/respectful to say please keep your counsel.
So I saw that a Sky journalist had apparently tweeted then deleted this. I wondered if it was just a fake photo of something that never happened, but it looks like the person did.
You are right mate but unfortunately one member did and quite rightly Megan took offence. It will fester within that family for years.
Or we could tax all U.K. trading businesses a fair rate and make billions and billions more… That wouldn’t fit the rhetoric of a capitalist republican nation though I guess. No idea why you’re so angry about the existence of a monarchy, but there are many more things which cost the real people in this country a heck of a lot, on which you could better focus your ire.
Some nasty comments on here about our majesty . She's the last Great Britain in my eyes. I shall be polishing my medal she gave me for my service tonight and hoping she pulls through. GSTQ!
I reckon she's already died. But not announced it until all family have arrived to try protect them hearing it before they get there. I may be wrong, but wall to wall coverage, I reckon this is it
Protocol says there’ll be no policy announcements, so no need for scrutiny. However; this lot have been known to breach protocol under Boris, so we’ll see how many scruples Liz has
It’d be nice if that were true; unfortunately her political influence has been the worst bit of her monarchy
Sadly what I think we can "look forward" to after the mourning period is a few months of non-stop jingoism, nationalism and populism - followed by a snap election.