Sadly not Helen, unless he does the decent and abdicates! William is much more in touch with modern Britain and would make a better king than his father. I’ve had to turn off the morbid, repetitive, sickening, woe laden drivel of Nicholas Witchell which I find utterly loathsome! Charles had one thing right - he is a dreadful little man.
I'm an odd ball. A Left wing, royalist. Although I hate elitism, I do see a value in the Royal Family and what it brings to our land. I know thats incredibly hypocritical, its the way I am. A bit weird. I'd be gutted when she does go. She's been a great ambassador for our nation for many years, when the most of her family have been the opposite.
George 6 was first in line. After abdication it was Liz 2.. I wonder of Charles will still become George 7 like he said years back. Cos the name Charles is cursed, he reckoned?
Same here. Not royalist, anti elitism. But I find them all a fascinating bunch of lovely people. Especially the medieval nutters..
I know what the lineage is; the discussion is about the statement ‘she wasn’t born to it’; which I’d agree with as at the time she was born her uncle was expected to be the next king, and the realistic expectation was that he would marry and produce an heir or 2.
Talk about an overreaction from the BBC and ITV , cleared its schedules and got its presenters to change into black suits! For one thing her Maj apparently likes pointless so if she wanted to relax with that, she’s going to get a shock! Now that might be a bit flippant but , although I’m not a royalist,I do have utmost respect for her and what she has done, at the end of the day she is an old lady in ill health and obviously in danger of passing, so she does have my respect.
The other point being she was an heir presumptive and would have been displaced by a male heir apparent, if her father had had a son
The obvious conclusion is that they all know she’s dead. Several journalists tweeted the news then retracted. The fact they keep slipping into discussing her in the past tense.
Not sure if it's true, but I read that the operation London bridge plan means that her death wouldn't be reported until 6pm the following day. If she was just ill, wouldn't she have been taken to hospital? They wouldn't gather the rest of the family at Balmoral.
I meant Ed8 didn’t have any family so she would still be queen . He didn’t have children so to speculate he may have done if still king is just that, speculation .
If Charlie refused to take the throne, wouldn't that lead to Anne being Queen? Abdication implies that Charlie would have been crowned and thus William would be next in line.
Aye. That's always the expectation, but he was smitten by Mrs Simpson, who was divorced & probably past her best breeding years. It caused a right stink at the time & he was shunned by the royals after that. Just as well, as he was a Nazi sympathiser. I suppose Liz 2 had 15 years to get her head around the idea, not sure her or her Dad fancied the job. Funny how they moved the goal posts later for Camilla? But i suppose Charles had already spawned a heir & a spare.. & now William has a couple of lads, it looks fairly smooth going forward.. Fascinating crap. Worth keeping them around just for entertainment value..
Don’t forget they’ve now removed the sexism and it’s not just Williams lads. I also find em interesting, but not enough to protect em from the same rules the rest of us live by.
depends on time I think. officially 6pm on D-Day, but I guess it depends what time, so 6pm following day probably seems more likely