She had been queen 20 years when he popped his clogs. Technically 2nd in line before abdication, as it panned out. That's why it was a constitutional crisis.
That would be confusing , knowing someone as Charlie all these years then he decides he wants to be called Jud . It’s not on I tell thi at my time of life . It’s Charlie if I see him he’ll get a ballakin
My brother lives in Portugal and it's on every channel over there too.. so there may be more people interested world wide than some who post on here would expect or even admit.
Although I feel sad that HRM is near the end, I can’t help thinking that it might work out well for me. I was convinced that Megan would get pupped again soon so I started to knit some Union Jack socks. As luck would have it, it doesn’t matter who gets the king gig as both Charles and William are skidnuts and it’s a simple process to change from socks to bobble hat.
Regardless of your opinions on say at the end of the day the lady ought to get respect as she nears the end of her physical journey on this life plane before passing over to spirit ...simply for.. if nothing else's she's a mother who's done her duty for the country There's no wonder she's not well if you think about it.... the amount of folk who lick the back of her head before pressing their thumb heavily in to her face daily.... I've just listened to that pr 1ck Nicholas Witchell BBC...sickening ...describing a stock photo of a range rover with Prince Andrew and Prince Edward going in to Balmoral..spent a good 3 minutes ...saying how sober looking it was etc of 2 brothers Personally all I could see was a paedophile sat in the front seat
Bless her, as fine a Monarch as you could wish for. I think though, that it should come to an end with her passing.
That’s not actually right. She was only second in line until Andrew was born in 1960. The succession law change removing the sexism only applies to royals born after the change - it means Princess Charlotte is behind George in line of succession but did not drop a place when Louis was born. The male line of succession takes precedent up to then though. If Prince George had a daughter and then a son is the only time it’s likely to make any difference though as three generations of first borns are male anyway.
6:30 on the dot the flag went down at Buck Palace. Doesn’t feel right to speculate, but when we put the TV on and the family were all flying to Balmoral, we looked at each other and both said, ‘she’s died then’. V sad, despite not being a royalist, she’s been a part of my life.