This might be controversial given the situation. Is it only me who's watching TV and seeing people hanging about in the near back ground laying flowers and such, whilst glancing towards the camera far too often for comfort, then like magic, woe and behold they are asked their thoughts. They then appear to speak so eloquently precisely and clear as if its scripted.adding to the mood that the TV companies are trying to portray Manipulation on their part at its finest don't you think.....method acting at its best....based on what I saw this evenings on sky news...I know its not all actors as my aunt was on Look North this evening giving her thoughts
On the subject of method acting "My dear boy, why don't you just try acting?" On the TV, media manipulation will be in full force. You will consume and eat what you are fed...
We should stopĺ watching the news on tv or listening on the radio it is obviously all divised to brain wash people in to thinking certain way before the aliens finally take over. For now i will just keep getting my information from the BBS and Dave in the club I am safe then, The fxcking government, the royal family, the BFC board , big company owners, Devante Cole ie anyone who is richer than me are all out to get us and ruin our lives for thier own personal gain, that is the truth everyone be careful. The truth is out there.
Wouldn’t an actor know better than to keep looking at the camera? Everyone will be told if they are going to be interviewed so that they can prepare and not sound like an idiot, that doesn’t mean it’s not their real thoughts though.
They've got a knack of picking out the right ones for a story - bit like Ofsted always know to ask the kid in class who hasn't got a clue
DOH! Of course it was. Olivier wasn't even in 'The graduate'. One of his best performances IMO as the Weissangel. "Is it safe?" Enough to put you off a visit to the dentist for life. Never liked his Shakespeare performances on film though - far too stylised and of its day, again IMO.
Is a method actor same as a session musician. The Rolling Stones had Stewart and the Beatles had Pete Best and Stuart Sutcliffe. They even performed with Tony Sheridan.
Method acting is where the actor uses real life experiences to play a role. Character acting refers to certain types of eccentric roles or stylised approaches to roles, while method acting is a more realism-based preparation style applicable to all roles. In extreme cases, for example actors may subject themselves to extreme hardship or conditions which they then apply to a scene or scenes they are involved in. Session musicians are generally highly capable adaptable experienced musicians who freelance and back solo artists on tours or studio sessions.
I think the conspiracy theorists and propagandists (think Kremlin!) use the fact they exist to distort the evidence. Crisis actors are legitimate actors who are used in emergency response simulations and training exercises for emergency services e.g. . fires, explosions major road accidents train crashes . Using them to fake public response to the death of a Monarch seems highly unlikely.