Me and Laura have tested positive with COVID. Laura's panicking a bit but touch wood it's just like a bad cold. I started with a husky voice on Wednesday but I put that down to playing Bingo Bango in Reds Bar. I woke up in early hours Thursday shivering, with headache and took some paracetamol and ibuprofen. Felt crap like my body didn't wanna go Thursday but put it down to cider consumption. Today felt fine with a cough but Laura started feeling ill. So insisted we both did a test. Both came back positive. Whilst I was feeling ill it was "you lazy ******* you weren't I'll whilst in bookies, arcade or chucking cider down thi neck. Just trying to get out of seeing to George". As soon as Laura feels I'll she grinds to a halt and insists on a COVID test. Thankfully she did. She's gone to bed panicking and asked me to check on her through night because she's worried.
This version is less virulent and hopefully you'll both recover pretty quickly. You are both young and healthy if not (in your case) pure of mind. There's a lot more horses to back and Red's performances to slate before you're done! Chin up!
Hope you both get well soon and look after her. Schools are back now so cases will inevitably rise again
Thanks people. It's amazing how you can dismiss something as a common cold but once it hits you and you see the two lines you have that wobbly moment. Just spoke to another poster about it. That fear will be there until I test negative but until then just gotta get on with it for Laura and George. Feel a bit bad bleating about all the cancellations now.
We got it in July after going to Cyprus ( must have been off plane) week after. I was fine apart from aching neck and lethargic and was climbing the walls for 5 days, Wife was ill and just slept or layed on settee or bed. Hope you're all ok soon.
I had it a few weeks ago. For three days I had a middling to mild headache, felt a bit nauseous and just couldn't face getting out of bed. Also very little appetite. After that it just felt like a very mild cold for a week. Glad I'd had the vaccines though. Hope you feel better soon.
Aye, my youngest lad had three days back at school and then came down with it, according to the teacher "loads" in the class all complaining of the same symptoms. Hasn't passed it on yet (I caught it from him last time) but his older brother had us up a 4am complaining of sure throat and chills so it looks like it's going to get us all. Timely reminder, but on the plus side a booster for the immune system ahead of the winter months may be a blessing in disguise.
Hope you all recover quickly and are not too unwell. Mrs F and I both caught it in France on a ski holiday so it’s risky going away these days.