National Anthem go to You Tube - 'Yma o Hyd - Dafydd Iwan - Austria' and you'll hear 1000's of Welsh speaking football supporters singing what is rapidly becoming the unofficial Welsh National Anthem. Yma o Hyd translates to 'We're Still Here' referring to the fact that Wales still exists as does the language of Wales.
yep, factually correct. can't argue with that. was your point more that welsh people don't care about the welsh language though, rather than statistically how many people in Wales currently speak welsh? I'm not having a go, genuinely I'm not. but if you spend any time in Wales, you'll immediately see how passionate they are about their identity. just like English people rightly are. so to be told that 'their Prince' is an English royal, and that they get no say on the matter...I can see how some welsh people might have a problem with that. you might be right, the majority of welsh people might support it. I dunno. but they never get asked. in fact I'm not sure they ever have been. and that's not really fair, is it?
I get that stance, I don’t understand why @Marc is particularly bothered about the Prince of Wales specifically. The King is English and therefore the Prince is English as it’s his son. A Prince is always a male relative of the King/Queen so I don’t understand the shock that this one is.
because I saw it and thought 'that's not really fair is it'? in isolation. I don't think I need to legitimise it against other things. it was just that. a point in and of itself.
My point was about disagreeing that the Royals are considered "patronising" if trying at least to speak in Welsh. And also a further point is that we are a United Kingdom. Perhaps The Queen shouldn't have had the bad grace to die in Scotland. Perhaps she should have asked them for permission to do so.
I didn't notice that. Too focused on his lug oyles..! If any of them have got out, they'll be worth a fortune..
fair dos. mebbi we're just making different points then. dunno what that last Scotland bit means like.
Another food for thought. What about the jewels that were on the Queens crown? These were pillaged and plundered from India during British rule. Of course, this isn't even delving into the mass exterminations that have occurred at the hands of British Imperialism such as the Bengal famine of 1943.
ref the title Prince of Wales 'Following Charles's accession to the throne in September 2022, a petition was launched calling for the abolition of the title, which by 10 September had received more than 10,000 signatures.[8][9] '
Absolutely no idea how the Royal family and titles work, but I’m quite sure there’s never ever any debate, discussion, or referendum over it.
Absolutely meaningless. Laughing at his bio - Radical, scouse separatist, 115,000 twitter followers. He's as irrelevant as you and your ilk are PR.
It does but Ireland is a lot less polarised politically. Miggledy is an excellent choice for the role but even he is accused of being partisan on occasion. If we were to not have a monarchy in the UK I'd like to think we could mirror the Irish model but I really don't think it would be easy especially with a population that now has such a strong distrust of and antipathy for anyone remotely regarded as political. Understandably so. We have a political system that is riddled with donors, lobbyists, cronyism and outright corruption. The one thing you can say about the Royals is that they aren't elected and are, therefore beholden to no one. If we could have a Presidency that matched the Irish model as it works now I'd be fine with that but I'm sceptical of how we'd get there and i don't think there's even a majority of the electorate that would want to get rid of the monarchy anyway. In the meantime, where nearly all speculation about the motives and character of Elizabeth is just that because she gave virtually no insights into her actual character in 70 years (probably a good thing) at lesst with Charles we'd know what he's like. A bit of a berk sometimes but someone whose life's work so far seems to have been driven by environmental concerns. I'm not going to fall into the camp that has the idea that the royals merrily go along making up laws on a daily basis but there's no doubt they have influence. Someone using that influence to drive environmental policy change would be no bad thing. He's not perfect but we could do a lot worse.
Yes many people are worried about this. The hope is that his kingly responsibilities will sufficiently focus him on real issues rather than this eco-nonsense.
Many people aren't worried about this. Just the right wing, head in the sand, irresponsible idiots who would rather see the planet go down the toilet than have their profits/ dividends affected.
I rather hope he goes against the protocols and refuses to sign bills into law which harm the environment, like allowing fracking for example.
A bit more food for thought, how do you think the rich Indians with the Jewels got them, like abusing poor Indians and other castes? Not saying it was right but that’s how the world was back then.