Oh there are mass class issues within other countries, there is no doubt in that. Doesn't make it alright to rape countries of their resources, which Britain did and caused famines across India. Again, as late as 1943.
I usually agree with you quite a lot, orsen, but that's a dangerous first sentence. They didn't vote leave, yet here we are, and support for Plaid Cymru continues to build. You could argue that South Yorkshire is a small part of the UK, so we should flatten Barnsley to build the wind farm we need to solve the energy crisis. I'm being deliberately facetious, but how close to passing would that get? We need power, and not many people care about Barnsley!
It will soon be time to face this national shame. As a protege of Mountbatten, I can't see Charles fronting it out, but his kid might..
I can't really see that it's a controversial statement. On any view, the population of Wales (by my dodgy maths) is about 5% of that of the UK as a whole. And I don't think I proposed flattening Wales. I simply disagreed with the OP that there needed to be further consultation before William was made POW. England and Wales are part of a united kingdom, so I can't see why the heir to the UK throne shouldn't be the POW. To allow Wales to choose a separate one would be, well..... separatist! On the other hand if there were to emerge a clear majority for independence then there should be a referendum on that point. In my view!
Millions of distasteful things from the past and the present. We have to live for the future. And hopefully bring about a better world. Be a long time coming mind. People don't forget, but it shouldn't be a cross to bear for future generations.
ffs - he's still banging on about the Welsh language ........ 'The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 modernised the 1993 Welsh Language Act and gave Welsh an official status in Wales for the first time, a major landmark for the language.' 'Although recent progress in recognising the Welsh language, celebrating its use and making it equal to the English Language; prejudice still exists towards its use. Many still view it as a working-class language.' My monoglot Welsh speaking grandmother got caned at school as she was heard speaking Welsh - in my father' day Welsh was not encouraged and those who spoke it were looked down on. ( similar situation today in Northern Ireland re the Irish Language.) Deprive a country of its language and culture and you supress that nation. Since the establishing of Y Senedd and Welsh being classed as an official language things have changed. Welsh is taught in all schools - many 'Welsh' schools have been established. (no longer do parents who move to Wales from England ask of their local school that their children should NOT be taught in Welsh.) Official documents/business - law - medicine etc can now be done through the medium of Welsh - to work or get promotion in many organisations it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of Welsh - Welsh language classes flourishing. Moves afoot to give towns cities their original Welsh name after their names were Anglicized (c.f. N Ireland.) As for the Prince of Wales - Wales can manage very nicely without him! - we don't need a King either. Back to the Welsh language - there are 5,000 Welsh speakers in Patagonia (South of Argentina.) ....... Just found out that Sir Anthony Hopkins is Welsh. Certainly explains why he wanted all those lambs to keep quiet.
No problem with that, but don’t take the piss out of me when I can’t pronounce the name places correctly. Come to think of it I struggle with many of them now
go to You Tube - key in 'Welsh Alphabet' and you're away - very easy as it's a phonetic language - pay special attention to the dd, ll, ch sounds.
My simple mind is that we didn't ask or vote for any royal family member. Not that we should, but we merely porpers of the system. From who generation's of the rich took whatever land they wanted from us to make themselves rich and powerful as they think
Met Prince Charlie once, sort of. When he opened the Foundling Museum in 2004. I had a little voluntary job there when I was finishing my MA. He was pleasant enough, his aides were trying to line us up formally, but nobody was taking it that seriously & I'm not much of a handshaker. Besides, we had wanted Bob Geldof to do the honours. It was on local tv news.
There's plenty of dark history across the globe and the same is still happening. It's good to revisit the past to prevent blindness and willful ignorance when going forward and to actually change the system that has led to cruelty to people, whatever their backgrounds. I posted the comments under the hope that whoever reads it, will learn something about British Imperialism
Fair enough point. British imperialism did have some awful chapters. No worse though than French, German, Belgian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, American, Roman, Mongol, Russian, Incan, Japanese etc, etc. There's hardly a single grouping of people on this planet that don't have skeletons in their closet. Us British were no worse or better than any of the rest. We should never forget what we and others did but we should not scourge ourselves now on the basis of what we were then.
Which is what my opening sentence said, I agree other nations have committed atrocities. That doesn't mean we have to elevate homegrown cruel humanbeings just because it's in the past and other nations did it too so fair game. The fact Britain is assiting Saudi Arabia in it's genocide against Yemen, suggests Britain is quite happy to keep repeating said mistakes